FREQUENCY CONTROL MODES OF ET 92 To learn more click on note! END to END Loss Measurement Group Delay Distortion Measurement Frequency Tracking with Sweep Fr receiver = Carrier ± Fr transmitter Conventional Control Modes Special Receiver Control Modes Measurements with MTTS Frequency Modification with Cursor Keys Frequency Setting with Number Keys Fr receiver = Carrier ± Tone ELEKTR NIKA
Frequency Setting with Number Keys To set a new frequency use the NUMBER keys as usual. E.g Hz Notice: don’t touch the cursor keys Option ELEKTR NIKA
Frequency Modification with Cursor Keys The frequency STEP can be modified with the HORIZONTAL cursor keys The FREQUENCY can be modified with the VERTICAL cursor keys FREQU: kHz FREQU: kHz FREQU: kHz Notice: don’t touch the number keys Option ELEKTR NIKA
Frequency Tracking with Sweep Selectable ranges For OptionsFor Next/Loss Option ELEKTR NIKA
Receiver Frequency Setting in Carrier ± Tone Format Set carrierSet tone Select mode Final display format Test instructions of FDM systems often specify the test frequency in format: Carrier ± Channel ( Tone) Frequency. ET 92 provides the separate setting of carrier and tone frequencies and so: No frequency calculation is required! ELEKTR NIKA
Special Transmitter Tracking Mode Often used test procedure of FDM equipment is: ■ feeding audio frequency test signal to the input of the tested channel ■ measuring the level of modulation product at a high frequency test point In that case: Receiver Frequency (Rx)= Carrier ± Transmitter Frequency (Tx) ET 92 provides a special transmitter tracking mode. In that special mode: ■ The frequency range of transmitter: 200Hz to 4 kHz ■ The level meter is controlled by the generator according to the above mentioned rule. ADVANTAGES: No frequency calculation is required ! Only one frequency setting is required ! ELEKTR NIKA
END to END Loss Measurements with MTTS MTTS METHOD: ■ The transmitter generates 35 test tones ■ The receiver measures the 35 test tones simultaneously ADVANTAGES: ■ No synchronisation is necessary between the two instruments ■ The measuring time is shorter than that of other methods ELEKTR NIKA
Group Delay Distortion Measurement with MTTS MTTS METHOD: The transmitter generates 36 test tones ■ Frequency range: 100 to 3600 Hz ■ Frequency step: 100 Hz ■ Level: -20 dBm / frequency The receiver measures the 36 test tones simultaneously ADVANTAGES: ■ No synchronisation is necessary between the two instruments ■ Group delay and signal level measurement at the same time ■ The measuring time is shorter than that of other methods ET 92 applies the multi tone test method described in Recommendation ITU-T O.81 Appendix I ELEKTR NIKA