Effectively Training Summer Staff Kay Robinson, SPHR Robinson HR Consulting, Inc. Erin Ulery Director, Professional Development National Summer Learning Assoc.
Our mission is to connect and equip schools and community organizations to deliver quality summer learning programs to our nation’s youth to help close the achievement gap.
Today’s Objectives Understand the need for staff training and professional development Assess current staff development Identify and collect strategies for training and professional development Review summer training and development resources Share best practices for summer staff training and development
Defining Professional Development and Staff Training Professional Development: A series of events, a program, or plan that over time, provides opportunities for employees to learn and develop knowledge, skill, or behavior. The goal is to increase the number of professionals in the field of summer learning. Staff Development: A one time event that has the goal of teaching a skill, behavior, or knowledge.
Quality Indicators of Professional Development
The Value of Professional Development: Professional developments: improves program quality. affects the survival of providers in the field. is vital to enhancing and sustaining a cadre of quality youth workers. benefits the individual benefits the program. benefits the field. Source: Bowie, L., & Bronte-Tinkew, J. (2006, December). The importance of professional development for youth workers (Research-to-Results: Practitioner Insights No ). Washington, DC: Child Trends. Retrieved January 14, 2008, from
Make an Assessment Think about: Who Lead/manage PD/training Participants What Budget Content When Before, during, and after your summer program How Methods of delivery
Budget for PD and Training Staff time Materials Venue (if donation or payment needed) Food Consultants, outside trainers
Making the Most of Summer Handbook, pg. 125
Assessment: Participants Based on the competencies: Does your summer program staff represent a balance of youth development professionals and teaching professionals? What skills do staff have? What skills do they need? What skills would be helpful? How do you secure this information?
Assessment: Participants One on one interviews Focus group Questionnaires One on one interviews Surveys
Assessment: Participants Find out their experience in the following areas: Planning Youth development Academic expertise Leadership experience Other program specific expertise
Assessment: Participants What staff development topic(s) or content would most benefit your work this summer? What are your interests or hobbies? What previous experience do you have working with young people (volunteer or paid positions)? What are your professional goals? How do you learn the best?
Planning Content Based on needs, develop training objectives and content Who will conduct the training? Who will participate? Where/when Think beyond just a one time training Before, during, and after program
Planning Content Based on needs, what are your training objectives? Common staff development topics: Supervisory Training Orientation/Onboarding Safety Program planning and implementation Supporting youth and families
Methods: Lectures Group Discussions Simulation and Role Play Games Demonstrations Case Studies Source: “Info Line: Tips, Tools, and Intelligence for Trainers” ASTD, 2007
Supervisory Training How to: manage within the culture train employees (on policies, tasks) interview applicants for positions orient/on-board new hires provide feedback and coaching discipline employees
Orientation/Onboarding Share the history, mission, organization chart and culture with the new hire Program goals Learning goals Review job description Outline standards and expectations Provide information on performance management process Review policies and procedures
Safety Onsite and field trip CPR and First Aid Reporting child abuse
Program planning and implementation Include topics such as: Activity planning Understanding content Engaging instructional practices Assessing learning Creating a positive learning environment
Supporting youth and families Include topics such as: Group management strategies Mediation/conflict resolution Confidentiality Working effectively with families
Examples of Pre-Program Professional Development Send staff relevant article, then discuss online Senior staff leads small team of new staff in conference calls to develop ideas for themes, activities for this year’s program, age groups Staff observes local program/school and reflect Hold regular interval conference call discussions on select topics from institute
Examples of During-Program Professional Development Mentoring between senior and junior staff Interest or study groups on specific topics Senior staff observes all staff noting strengths, needs, and areas of growth Use portion of staff meeting time to share, learn, discuss problems +/or best-practices
Examples of During-Program Professional Development Continue listserv to send articles, news or other relevant information Staff attends conferences about out-of- school time and summer learning Offer a class during the year to address issues of summer learning
Examples of Post-Program Professional Development Continue listserv to send articles, news or other relevant information Staff attends conferences about out-of- school time and summer learning Offer a class during the year to address issues of summer learning
Adult Learning Principles Understand that how people learn is a direct result of the interaction between forces within the individual and the environment – what is known as trainability. Trainability is concerned with: Readiness to learn and motivation Level of ability Perceptions of the work environment
Principles Continued An individual must have both willingness to learn and ability to achieve learning objectives Adults want to focus on “real world” issues Emphasis on how the learning can be applied is desired Adult learners will come with goals and expectations
Principles Continued Allow debate and challenge of ideas (but disagreements should not become heated) Listen to and respect opinions Adults wish to be resources to the instructor and to each other Adults seek out a learning experience because they have a need for knowledge or skill being taught
Obstacles to Learning Low tolerance for change Lack of trust May not see it as worthwhile or have had negative experiences in the past Peer group pressure If others don’t see the training as relevant or effective, they may persuade the employee that the training is not important
Understanding Learning Styles Know that individuals learn in different ways and process ideas differently Visual learners Auditory learners Kinesthetic learners
Understanding Retention of Information Retention of information is best if the employee participates in the learning process – Knows the information can be immediately used – Practices by doing (putting out a fire) – Involved in discussions such as case studies – Watches a demonstration (but doesn’t participate) – Reads (asked to read information) – Listens to a lecture (least effective vehicle for retention)
Understanding the Levels of Learning Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Get creative: Use multiple modes to deliver PD before, during and after the session Engage experienced staff in delivering training to less experienced staff Allow for paid, collaborative planning time during pre-service training Keys to Success
Additional Resources: Making the Most of Summer Child Trends.org American Camp Association National Training Institute for Community Youth Work National Staff Development Council National Youth Development Information Center Beyond the Bell Cooperation for National and Community Service BELL Success: Foundations Inc. National Summer Learning Association
Next in the Series: Providing Feedback and Coaching Staff – 4/22 – 11-12:00 EST Do you effectively take advantage of day to day opportunities to empower staff and help them grow professionally using effective feedback and coaching techniques? Kay Robinson, SPHR, from Robinson HR Consulting and Erin Ulery, Director of Professional Development from the Association will explore strategies that you can apply immediately when leading and supporting your staff this summer.
Save the Date!
Remember your benefits! Friend of Summer Learning Individual Organization /District Access to open web content including field news, research and interviews with experts Ability to network with other members through online discussion groups Discounts on conference, publications, and professional development services Two hours of quality program consulting via phone Access to curriculum rating tool, and Excellence in Summer Learning Award winner profiles Free program planning guide
Thank You! Robinson HR Consulting Kay Robinson Program Planning/Membership Erin Ulery