Kinesio Tape Technique Chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase Chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase Uses the natural healing system of the body and activates neurological- and circulatory processes Uses the natural healing system of the body and activates neurological- and circulatory processes Influencing the muscles through skin input. Influencing the muscles through skin input.
As a therapeutic device to give assistance to weak muscles and provide rehabilitation benefits. Effect on: blood supply lymphatic congestion problems supporting muscles alleviating pain correcting joint problems The unique way of applying this tape unloads tension on the skin and nerves.
Properties of the tape Made from cotton. Made from cotton. Elasticity capacity of %. Elasticity capacity of %. It has been put on its underlying surface in a slightly stretched manner (10%). It has been put on its underlying surface in a slightly stretched manner (10%). Has the capacity to stretch in all directions. Has the capacity to stretch in all directions. Allows air and water to pass through. Allows air and water to pass through. Its hypo allergic gluing surface will hold for days. Its hypo allergic gluing surface will hold for days. The complete range of motion will stay possible. The complete range of motion will stay possible.
Five main areas of functioning 1. Increasing circulation by decreasing pressure 2. Analgetic function 3. Improvement of joint function 4. Influencing fascial function 5. Support and stimulation of muscles