EDT 3470: T ECHNOLOGY FOR E LEMENTARY E DUCATION College of Education Western Michigan University
D ID YOU K NOW ? Some justification for this course (if you needed it):
3470 I NSTRUCTORS Dr. Brian Horvitz Stacey Lee Katherine Mills Sharon Peterson Mark Raffler Kelsey Woodard
T ODAY ’ S A GENDA Goals/Purposes Policies Grading Attendance Extra help Lab Assignments Reading Quizzes Lecture Series
G OALS /P URPOSES Familiarize you with the technologies that are used in many of today's elementary education classrooms To ensure that all WMU elementary education graduates are able to meet or exceed the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). Get you to begin to think critically about how technology tools can be used effectively in your teaching
P OLICIES Do the work, get the grade Seek help if you need it Provide help to your classmates if they need it Be respectful If you have a question, ask it
G RADING Point system (see online syllabus) Assignments are submitted and graded electronically thru Vista (Blackboard Learning System). Grading Rubrics are used for all assignments Points deducted for late assignments The Syllabus is the final word
A TTENDANCE Points are awarded for Lab and Lecture attendance Be sure you sign in to your lab each week Fill out an attendance sheet at each lecture You are responsible for finding out what you missed due to absence It’s easy to get behind – don’t let this happen
E XTRA H ELP Office hours : see syllabus and talk to your instructor Open lab : every Friday from 1-4pm in Sangren 2202 Try to attend another lab the same week if you know ahead of time you’ll miss yours
L AB A SSIGNMENTS Each week, you’ll work on a lab assignment that involves use of a technology-based tool Examples: PowerPoint Web Design Desktop Publishing Digital Video Inspiration Concept Mapping Lab will walk you through everything you need to know
R EADING Q UIZZES You will read chapters in Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching each week Mandatory reading quizzes are on Blackboard Don’t get behind – keep up with them You may retake your quizzes, but you will get different questions
L ECTURE S ERIES Each week in Lecture (big class in this room), you’ll have a different speaker They are all relevant to you as future educators Topic examples include: Job Seeking Assistive Technologies What is Web 2.0? Computer Maintenance Computer Labs in Elementary Teaching
Q&A If you have an issue/problem/concern, contact your lab instructor (see syllabus for contact info) Unresolved issues should be addressed to Dr. Brian Horvitz Any questions now?