Drinking Water Technical Assistance Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System KY Water and Wastewater Operators Association 57 th Annual Conference Louisville, Kentucky
Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System Water Treatment Plant
Are DBPs being formed in the treatment process? Pre-oxidant? Point of Chlorination? –C-T Coagulant dosage? –TOC Removal Enhanced coagulation Alternative compliance (next slide) Requirements Step 2 Operating filters properly? Backwash Triggers Backwash Procedure Meeting turbidity requirements? AWOP goals Source Source Water Alkalinity (mg/L as Ca Co3 Water 0 to 60>60 to 120>120 TOC (mg/L) > %25%15% > %35%25% >8.050%40%30%
Alternative TOC compliance criteria 1.Source water TOC <2.0 mg/L - Calculated quarterly as a RAA - Used on a monthly basis only when raw water TOC <2.0 mg/L 2.Treated water TOC <2.0 mg/L - Calculated quarterly as a RAA - Used on a monthly basis - Treated TOC sampled no later than at CFE 3.Raw water SUVA ≤2.0 L/mg-m - Calculated quarterly as a RAA - Also used on a monthly basis 4.Treated water SUVA ≤2.0 L/mg-m - Calculated quarterly as a RAA - Also used on a monthly basis - Treated SUVA sampled no later than at CFE 5.Raw water TOC 60 mg/L; TTHM <40 µg/L; HAA5 <30 µg/L - All parameters based on a RAA, computed quarterly - DBP compliance samples used to qualify for this criteria 6.TTHM <40 µg/L and HAA5 <30 µg/L with only chlorine for disinfection - Only plants that use free chlorine a the primary disinfectant
Distribution System Are DBPs a problem? Representative sampling using a hydrant and/or tap sampler –Meeting minimum chlorine residual? Can changing tank operation improve water quality? –Meeting pressure requirements –Fire Protection –Quantity Flushing program? –Auto Flushers Setting goals? –Compliance –AWOP
Questions??Comments?? Drinking Water Technical Assistance Don DeKoster— Jackie Logsdon— Russ Neal— ext.4969 Eric Sutton— ext.4989