VARIETY IN STORYTELLING Draw and tell Media: Tapes / cd / movie / computer Puppets Individual or group make up Flipcharts Slide stories / roller pictures Flannel boards Props
VARIETY IN MUSIC Listen to music Finger play or actions Sing / chant Movement (large and small) Instruments Rhythm props
STORYTELLING : More than just reading a book. It provides experiences. Included in the daily schedule. Develops an appreciation of books. Teaches a child about the world and people around them and how to handle these. Models acceptable behavior and positive relationships. Develop listening skills. Develops reading and language skills.
SELECTING BOOKS FOR CHILDREN A story is only effective if the children and teacher enjoy it. Fictional content Reflect the child’s development level, interests, and experiences. Illustrations Pictures should almost tell the story themselves Brightly colored, large and clearly defined objects, and avoid unneeded detail. Vocabulary Mostly familiar words and only introduces a few new words. Repetition of words increases enjoyment and familiarity
STORYTELLING SELECTION: Durability Children should be able to hold, carry, and turn the pages of the books. Length Infants and Toddlers – focus for a few minutes 2 year olds – focus for 5-8 minutes 3 year olds – focus for 6-10 minutes 4 year olds – focus for 8-12 minutes 5 year olds – focus for minutes
STORYTELLING SELECTION: Avoid stories that reinforce stereotypes Age Appropriate Toddlers2 year old3 year old4 year old5 year old Thick pages Large pictures Bright pictures Familiar object Sensory Familiar experiences & objects Imitate familiar sounds Familiar plots Large pictures Familiar experiences & objects Other People and things outside of the home Repetitive sounds and words. Explain how and why. Include exaggeration and humor in reality. Pictures tell the story Contain new words. Add new knowledge Familiar facts Fantasy trips beyond their world
THE STORYTELLING EXPERIENCE Prepare to read the story Become familiar with the story Decide how you will present the story and practice this Introduce the story and create a feeling that something special is about to happen Ask questions Make a personal comment Show the book cover Make a prediction based on a certain page in the story Show a prop that relates with the story. Define new words
BEGIN TELLING THE STORY.. Show the front of the book and Read the title and the Author Ask the children to predict what the book will be about. Take a picture walk and talk about the pictures. I wonder why the insects are hiding? Teach reading skills: Books have pictures and words – which do we read ? Pages turn from left to right Books have a front and a back Books are to be right side up when reading
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD STORY TELLER: Voice - Change tone & pitch to make the story come alive Facial Expression Eye Contact Speed - Slow Down, follow child’s cue Volume - Loud enough for whole group Speak Clearly Talk about the pictures – you do not have to read the words or the entire story Have fun with the story
Tell the story Storytelling is like putting on a play. Remember eye contact. Handling Interruptions Address comments and Answer questions as they occur. If this becomes excessive, hold all questions and comments until the end. Maintaining interest Watch children’s laughter, expressions, and stillness Use emphasis, talk faster, skip parts, ask questions Ending the Story The ending should be clear – “What did you like / learn?”