DJE– If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be? DJE– If you were to be described by friends or family, what one word would they use? Why? DJE– If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Why?
Personality: How people perceive the world and make decisions According to Jung, Briggs, Meyers& Keirsey
Four Main Indicators Introverted and/ or Extroverted Where we get our flow of energy Sensing and/ or Intuition How we absorb information Thinking and/ or Feeling How we prefer to make decisions Judging and/ or Perceiving The day-to-day lifestyle we prefer
Introversion v Extroversion There is a world inside ourselves, and a world outside ourselves. When we are dealing with the world outside of ourselves, we are "extroverting". When we are inside our own minds, we are "introverting". Within the context of personality typing, the important distinction is which world we live in more often. Do we define our life's direction externally or internally? Which world gives us our energy, and which do we perhaps find draining?
Sensing v. Intuition The "Sensing" preference absorbs data in a literal, concrete fashion. The "Intuitive" preference generates abstract possibilities from information that is gathered. We all use both Sensing and Intuition in our lives, but to different degrees of effectiveness and with different levels of comfort.
Thinking v. Feeling When someone makes a decision that is based on logic and reason, they are operating in Thinking mode. A "Thinker" makes decisions in a rational, logical, impartial manner, based on what they believe to be fair and correct by pre-defined rules of behavior. When someone makes a decision that is based on their value system, or what they believe to be right, they are operating in Feeling mode. A "Feeler" makes decisions on the individual case, in a subjective manner based on what they believe to be right within their own value systems. We all use both modes for making decisions, but we put more trust into one mode or the other.
Judging v. Perceiving People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. Judgers want things settled. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. Perceivers want things open-ended.
We are a bit of Everything We are partially all 8 indicators. The MBTI simply finds which 4 of the 8 you use more often.
Result: 16 Personality Types ( ESFP – The Performer ESTP– The Doer ENTJ– The Executive ENFP– The Inspirer ESTJ– The Guardian ENTP– The Visionary ESFJ– The Caregiver ENFJ– The Giver ISFJ– The Nurturer INTP– The Thinker INFJ– The Protector INTJ– The Scientist ISTP– The Mechanic ISTJ– The Duty Fulfiller INFP– The Idealist ISFP– The Artist
Psychologists Carl Jung– Original creator of personality types: Introvert v Extrovert Sensing v Intuition Thinking v Feeling Briggs– Created with daughter the MBTI: Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Meyers– (daughter of Briggs) Added criteria: Judging or Perceiving Keirsey– recent work associating: temperaments based on types
Keirsey’s Temperaments SJ= The Guardians ESTJ– “The Supervisors” ISTJ— “The Inspectors” ESFJ— “The Providers” ISFJ— “The Protectors” SP= The Artisans ESTP— “The Promoters” ISTP— “The Crafters” ESFP— “The Performers” ISFP— “The Composers” NT= The Rationals ENTJ— “The Fieldmarshals” INTJ— “The Masterminds” ENTP— “The Inventors” INTP— “The Architects” NF= The Idealists ENFJ– “The Teachers” INFJ– “The Counselors” ENFP– “The Champions” INFP– “The Healers”