Oracle Tutorial (CS4347) TA Information –Name: Lidong Wu – –Office Hour:Tu. 3pm-4pm & Fr. ECSS 4.209
Outlines 1.Connect Oracle Account 2.SQL Commands
Connect Oracle Account
Setup Oracle Account(win.) 1.You are assumed to have an account in the Unix system at UTD. 2.Oracle is available only on the machine NOT APACHE. Login to csoracle at first.(either using PuTTY on windows, or ssh within Mac or Linux. )
Setup Oracle Account (cont.) 3a. Use putty to login The free download is available at oad.html The hostname is The port is 22 The Connection type is SSH. Enter a Saved Session Name, then click save Open
Setup Oracle Account (cont.) 3b. Oracle SQL Developer The free download is available at ndex.html. ndex.html Enter a Connection Name, then enter your netId and password Set Role is default, connection type is basic The hostname is The port is 1521 The SID is student. Click test; the status should show up as Success. Connect
Setup Oracle Account (cont.) 4.Run "“ The account name is same as your netid; Don ’ t use the special characters for your password, just use the letters and digitals.
Setup Oracle Account 5.Setup environment variables: Use "ps" command to check the login shell you are using. {csoracle:~} ps PID TTY TIME CMD 8974 pts/4 0:00 bash {csoracle:~}
Setup Oracle Account Edit the configuration file (csh/tcsh):add the following lines to your ".login" file: (sh/ksh/bash): ".bash_profile" for bash and ".profile" for sh/ksh: * bash: add the following lines to your ".bash_profile" file Logout the machine and login again Run "" if you want to change the password if [ -f /oracle/ ] then. /oracle/; fi if ( -f /oracle/env.csh ) then source /oracle/env.csh endif
Run sqlplus {csoracle:~} sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Sep 9 14:08: Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: (netID) Enter password: (what you just set up) Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release bit Production With the Oracle Label Security and Data Mining options SQL>
Setup Oracle Account (Mac /Linux) 1.Use SSH to login Choose ssh protocol and as host name
If such an error occurs Contact #2760 # SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Sep 2 19:06: (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: yxh Enter password: ERROR: ORA-12541: TNS:no listener Enter user-name:
SQL Command create drop alter insert update delete select Commit
Table & View Basic Structure of Table: Attribution1 Attribution2 Attribution3 … Tuple1: Attr_value Attr_value Attr_value Tuple2: Attr_value Attr_value Attr_value … Example of Relation between Table Table1(Department): Attr1(DeptNo), Attr2(DeptName), … Table2(Employee): Attr1(SSN), Attr2(DNo), … View is a mirror of Table, no record is stored in the view. From view, you could only access a subset of data in tables.
Create tables Grammar: create table Table_Name (Attribution_Name1 attribution_type, Attribution_Name2 attribution_type, … primary key (Attribution_Name) foreign key (Attribution_Name) reference ( Table_Name2) ); create view View_Name as select Attribution_Name1, Attribution_Name2,… from Table_Name where condition;
Create tables (Cont.) SQL> create table Merchandize (ItemID int, ItemType char(15), Price real, primary key (ItemID)); Table created. SQL> create view MerType as select ItemType from Merchandize where ItemID = 1; View created.
Create tables (Cont.) SQL> create table Electronics (ItemID int check (ItemID <= 10), BrandName char(15), Category char(15), primary key (ItemID), foreign key (ItemID) references Merchandize); Table created.
Alter Table SQL>alter table Electronics add ItemSize int; Table altered. Structure of Electronics: Previous: ItemID, BrandName, Category Current: ItemID, BrandName, Category, ItemSize
Insert record SQL>insert into Merchandize(ItemID, ItemType, Price) values(1, 'Electronics', 39.99); 1 Row created. Update records SQL>update Merchandize set Price=9.99 where ItemID=1 and ItemType= 'Electronics'; 1 Row updated. Let’s insert a few more records now…
select SQL>select ItemID, ItemType, Price from Merchandize where price > 39.99; SQL>select Merchandize.Price, Electronics.Category from Merchandize, Electronics where Merchandize. ItemID = Electronics.ItemID;
Delete all records SQL>delete from Merchandize; 1 Row deleted. SQL>delete from Merchandize where price > 9.99; Delete specific record(s)
Drop Table SQL>drop table Merchandize; Table dropped.
Other useful commands List all tables: List all fields in a table Submit the work SQL>select * from tab; SQL>describe mytable; SQL>commit;
Other useful commands(cont.) List only distinct (different) values : Sorts the records in ascending order by default: SQL> select distinct ItemType from Merchandize; SQL> select * from Merchandize order by ItemType;
Other useful commands(cont.) Returns the largest value of the selected column: SQL> select max(Price) as HighestPrice from Merchandize;
A transaction in Oracle All changes of data in an Oracle database can only be done within a transaction. A transaction must either be committed or rolled back.committedrolled back Data changed within a transaction is not visible to another session until it is committed.session
Store & Run commands in sql files Edit your sql commands and save it as a file, the file extension must be. sql, the file name should end with ". sql “ Put that file in your sqlplus working directory (it depends from where you run your sqlplus command). after login the sqlplus system
Examples of sql file Example 1: One sql command in a file The Table "Merchandize" will be created >vi create.sql create table Merchandize (ItemID char(6), ItemType char(15), Price real, primary key(ItemID));
Examples of sql file Example 2: many sql commands in one file Two records will insert into the table "Merchandize", then list all the records of the table " Merchandize ". >vi myscript.sql insert into Merchandize(ItemID, ItemType, Price) values(2,'Electronics', 39.99); insert into Merchandize(ItemID, ItemType, Price) values(4, 'Tools', 19.99); select * from Merchandize;
Save the output Use sql command: All output result will be redirected to a.lst Close output redirection: "spool off" SQL>spool a SQL>spool off
Purge Recyclebin Use sql command to delete the garbage: SQL> BIN$4qjxjq0zKpPgQLAKDFxDqQ==$0 TABLE BIN$4qjxjq0mKpPgQLAKDFxDqQ==$0 TABLE BIN$4qjxjq0gKpPgQLAKDFxDqQ==$0 TABLE SQL>purge recyclebin
Check the error reason Example: Logout sqlplus and run "oerr ora 942" in linux System will output the cause of this error >oerr ora 942 SQL> drop table merchandize1; drop table merchandize1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Review If you can not execute sqlplus, –Make sure you login in csoracle NOT apache –Make sure you have set oracle environment correctly If you can create oracle account but can not access oracle server, –Contact System administrator #2760 –TA is NOT oracle administrator.
Students outside the UTD’s network Login Type in “ssh”
Useful links SQL Demo in Oracle – –