Sectorial Operational Programme “Environment” Implementation General look at national and regional level November 2011
SOP Environment Developed by Environment Ministry, as Management Authority for SOP Environment (MA SOP Environment), Environment is the document that establishes the allocation of European Funds for the environment sector, in Romania, for period, being approved by the European Commission in 12 July The total budget of the programme is aproximatively 5,6 bilions Euro, from which 4,5 bilions Euro represents irredeemable financing of European Union and over 1 bilion Euro represents the national contribution.
Financing priorities For the achieve of SOP Environment objectives have been identified the following financing priorities: 1. Drinking water and sewerage 1. Drinking water and sewerage: “Extension and modernization of water and wastewater systems” (Cohesion Fund Financing) 2. Wastes 2. Wastes : “Development of integrated waste management systems and rehabilitation of historically contaminated sites” (Regional Development European Fund Financing) 3. District heating 3. District heating: “Modernization of district heating systems in the most frequented localities of pollution’’ (Cohesion Fund Financing) 4. Nature protection 4. Nature protection: “Implementation of adequate management systems for nature protection” (Regional Development European Fund Financing) 5. Floods and stand erosion 5. Floods and stand erosion: “Implementation of adequate infrastructure of natural risk prevention in most vulnerable areas” (Cohesion Fund Financing) 6. Technical assistance 6. Technical assistance:,,Assistance for MA and IB for the implementation Environment Sectorial Operational Programme (Regional Development European Fund Financing) For each one coresponding a Primary Axis in SOP Environment.
The situation of the projects financed by SOP Environment in West Region The value of financings by SOP Environment in West Region: In Water, Waste and District Heating sector: – Projects in implementation (total value without VAT): 427,44 millions Euro – Projects in processing and evaluation (total value without VAT): 315,611 millions Euro – Total value without VAT of the projects: 743,051 millions Euro In Nature Protection sector: - Total value of projects in evaluation: 3,953 millions Euro - Total value of approved projects, for which was not signed the financing contract: 0,815 millions Euro - Total value of projects in implementation: 2,152 millions Euro In water floods sector: - Total value of project in implementation : 4,544 millions Euro
Projects in implementation 1 Projects for Primary Axis 1: 3 projects 1. n Arad County 1. Extension and modernization of water and wastewater infrastructure i n Arad County project cod : SMIS-CSNR – beneficiary : C.S. Water Company A.S. (S.C. Compania de Ap ă Arad S. A.) – project length: 42 months – project total value, without VAT: 139,592 millions Euro 2. Timiş county 2. Extension and modernization of water and sewerage system in Timiş county project cod : SMIS-CSNR – beneficiary : C.S. Aquatim A.S. (S. C. Aquatim S. A.) – project length : 46 months – project total value, without VAT : 118,871 millions Euro
rehabilitation of water and wastewater in Hunedoara county– Jiului Valley (Valea Jiului) 3.Extension and rehabilitation of water and wastewater in Hunedoara county– Jiului Valley (Valea Jiului) project cod: SMIS - CSNR – beneficiary : C.S. Water Serv Jiului Valley A.S. (S. C. Apa Serv Valea Jiului S. A.) – project length : 50 months – project total value, without VAT : 40 millions Euro Projects in implementation
2 Projects for Primary Axis 2: 2projects Arad county 1.Integrated waste management systems of solid wastes in Arad county project cod : SMIS - CSNR – beneficiary : Arad County Council (Consiliul Jude ţ ean Arad) – project length : 40 months – project total value, without VAT : 29,635 millions Euro 2. of in Timiş county 2. Integrated waste management systems of wastes in Timiş county project cod: SMIS - CSNR – beneficiary : Timiş County Council – project length : 40 months – project total value, without VAT : 40,996 millions Euro Projects in implementation
3 Projects for Primary Axis 3: 1 project Rehabilitation of district heating system in Timisoara municipality in order to comply with environmental standards on air pollution emissions and to increase the energy efficiency in urban heating supply cod proiect: SMIS - CSNR – beneficiary : City Hall of Timişoara Municipality – project length : 37 months – project total value, without VAT : 58,346 millions Euro 4 Projects for Primary Axis 4: 7 projects 1. The development of conservation strategies of monitoring plans and sustainable development for CIS Inferior Muresului Gullet (SCI Defileul Mureşului Inferior) 01.05TM/UVVG/2008 – beneficiary : West University“ Vasile Goldiş “ Arad – project length : 30 months – project total value : Euro Projects in implementation
2.The development of conservation strategies, of monitoring plans and comunication actions forNational Park Semenic – Caraşului Keys 2.The development of conservation strategies, of monitoring plans and comunication actions forNational Park Semenic – Caraşului Keys project cod : 1307 SMIS – beneficiary : N.R.F. Romsilva - Administration of National Park Semenic – Carasului Keys (R. N. P. Romsilva – Administraţia Parcului Naţional Semenic – Cheile Caraşului R. A.) – project length : 18 months – project total value : Euro 3.The development of studies preliminary to conservativ management measures of Natural Park Inferior Muresului Meadow (Parcul Natural Lunca Mureşului Inferior) project c project cod : 1313 SMIS – beneficiary : N.R.F. Romsilva - Administration of Natural Park Muresului Meadow (R.N.P. Romsilva – Administraţia Parcului Natural Lunca Mureşului R.A.) – project length : 40 months – project total value : Euro Projects in implementation
4.The development of management measures and the support infrastructure design for promotion of NATURA 2000 ROSPA0047 site Hunedoara Timişan ă 4.The development of management measures and the support infrastructure design for promotion of NATURA 2000 ROSPA0047 site Hunedoara Timişan ă project cod : SMIS – beneficiary : The Regional Agency for the Environment Protection Timisoara (Agenţia Regional ă pentru Protecţia Mediului Timişoara) – project length : 33 months – project total value : Euro 5.Studiul speciilor şi habitatelor de interes comunitar şi promovarea SPA Câmpia Crişului Alb şi Crişului Negru 5.Studiul speciilor şi habitatelor de interes comunitar şi promovarea SPA Câmpia Crişului Alb şi Crişului Negru project cod : SMIS – beneficiary: Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei “Excelsior “ Arad – project length: 24 months – project total value: Euro Projects in implementation
6.Improvement of infrastructure needed for the sensitization and awareness of population in Natural Park Muresului Meadow (Lunca Mureşului) 6.Improvement of infrastructure needed for the sensitization and awareness of population in Natural Park Muresului Meadow (Lunca Mureşului) project cod : SMIS – beneficiary : N.R.F. Romsilva - Administration of Natural Park Muresului Meadow (R. N. P. Romsilva – Administra ţ ia Parcului Natural Lunca Mure ş ului R. A.) – project length : 18 months – project total value : Euro 7.The development of Integrated Management Plan Elaborarea for ROSCI 0109 Timisului Meadow and ROSPA 0095 Macedonia Forest (ROSCI 0109 Lunca Timişului şi ROSPA 0095 P ă durea Macedonia) project cod : SMIS - beneficiary : The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat Timişoara - project length : 36 months - project total value : Euro Projects in implementation
5 Projects for Primary Axis 5: 1 project 1.The Plan for prevention, protection and diminuation of flooding effects in Banat Hydrographic Basin 1.The Plan for prevention, protection and diminuation of flooding effects in Banat Hydrographic Basin project cod : SMIS – beneficiary : National Administration of Romanian Waters through Basinal Administration of Water,,Banat’’ – project length : 25 months – project total value : Euro Projects in implementation
Projects in evaluation 1 Primary Axis 1 Extension and modernization of water and used water systems: 2 projects 1. Caraş – Severin County 1. Extension and rehabilitation of water and used water infrastructure in Caraş – Severin County – Total value, without VAT: 107,78 millions Euro – Beneficiary : Regional Operator C.S. Aquacaraş A.S. ( O peratorul R egional S. C. Aquacaraş S. A.) 2. Hunedoara County 2. Extension and rehabilitation of water and used water infrastructure in Hunedoara County – Total value, without VAT : 106,21 milioane Euro – Beneficiary : Regional Operator C.S. Apaprod A.S. Deva (S. C. Apaprod S. A. Deva)
2 Primary Axis 2 The development of integrated management systems of wastes and the rehabilitation of historically contaminated sits: 2 projects 1. Integrated management system of wastes in Hunedoara county – Total value, without VAT: 58,653 millions Euro – Beneficiary: Hunedoara County Council 2. Integrated management system of wastes in Caraş – Severin county – Total value, without VAT : 42,968 millions Euro – Beneficiary : Timiş County Council Projects in evaluation
4 Primary Axis 4 Implementation of adequate management systems for the nature protection: 2 projects 1. The development of management plan of National Park Keys Nerei – Beusnita (Cheile Nerei – Beuşniţa) – Total value: Euro – Applicant: USAMVB Timişoara 2. Biodiversity conservation management in National Park Domogled – Cernei Valley, as Natura 2000 sit – Total value : Euro – Applicant : N.R.F. Romsilva – Administration of National Park Domogled –Cernei Valley (R.N.P. Romsilva - Administraţia Parcului Naţional Domogled -Valea Cernei) Projects in evaluation
1. The development of the management plan of Rudariei Keys protected area – Total value : Euro – Applicant : Eftimie - Murgu University, Reşiţa 2. The development of the management plan for ROSPA0015 Plain of White Cris and Black Cris and connective protected areas (Câmpia Crişului Alb şi Crişului Negru şi ariile protejate conexe) – Total value : Euro – Applicant : association for Natural and Cultural Values Promotion of Banat and Crisanei,,Excelsior’’ (Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei,, Excelsior’’) 3. Evaluation of biodiversity and geodiversity conservation status from Padureni Land site ( ROSCI0250 ) for the development of conservative and sustainable management plan specific for Nature 2000 sites – Total value : Euro – Applicant : Babeş – Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Projects approved for which were not yet signed financing contracts
Thank you for your attention! Aurel BARUTA Sef Birou Programare OI POS Mediu Timişoara