Literature review (WP2): Promoting LLL of and for seniors (45+) - The perspective educational interventions and planning Tarja Tikkanen IRIS TOP+ project.


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Presentation transcript:

Literature review (WP2): Promoting LLL of and for seniors (45+) - The perspective educational interventions and planning Tarja Tikkanen IRIS TOP+ project Final seminar, Brussels

Purpose of WP2 A literature review (state-of-the-art) on training and other lifelong learning interventions targeted to older adults. - focus: learning of and for older workers from the perspective educational interventions and planning - Included a critical evaluation of the existing provision To provide the groundwork for the TOP+ training model to be developed. Additionally, an online survey to TOP+ partners was carried out to get access to relevant literature and other information not available in the English language.

How was the literature review carried out? focus on learning among older adults and the pedagogy related to that –specific literature, limited availability added with perspectives to lifelong learning and adult learning more generally (including eLearning) search terms used: –adult education, adult training, train-a-trainers, andragogy, gerogogy, and age/ageing/older workers and learning/training databases/sources used: –ArticleFirst, BlackwellSynergy, ERIC, ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, PringerLink, and Google additional relevant journals included: –Educational Gerontology, Education and Ageing, Adult Education Quarterly, Adult Learning, PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, and The Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning

”Technical results” Very little literature available on older/mature workers or learners from the pedagogical (intervention) perspective. More material found on younger (“ordinary adults”) and very old learners, those who have largely left active working life, for example students in the Third Age Universities.

An online survey To complement the picture gained through the literature review with material not available in English To all TOP+ partners through an Covered seven main themes: 1. National framework for learning and training of older workers 2. Key-issues concerning lifelong learning and older workers 3. Learning possibilities available for older workers 4. Competence and competence development of the teachers of older adults 5. Learning needs and informal lifelong learning among the teachers of older adults 6. Monitoring of participation in adult education (including informal learning activities) 7. Best and worse practice of lifelong learning initiatives targeted to older workers

Literature review: Main findings 1.Theoretical perspectives: From pedagogy, to andragogy, to gerogogy –Lifelong learning in formal, informal and nonformal context –Approaches to adult learning 2.Older workers’ participation in training –Explaining participation –Participation rates –Critical factors for older workers’ participation in organised learning activities 3.Training provision for seniors –HRD and learning in the workplace –Formal training –Older workers as hard-to-reach learners – A role for the social partners? 4.Training of trainers in adult education 5.Further issues and perspectives

Main findings from the TOP+ partner survey 1.National framework for learning and training of older workers (no policy, no public funding, narrow ow concept, low profile of soc. partners) 2.Key-issues concerning lifelong learning and older workers 3.Learning possibilities available for older workers 4.Competence and competence development of the teachers of older adults 5.Learning needs and informal lifelong learning among the teachers of older adults 6.Monitoring of older workers’ participation in adult learning 7.Best and worst practice of lifelong learning initiatives targeted to older workers

Planning E&T for older workers: Matrix The pedagogical wisdom from the findings were summarised with 15 key-issues A matrix to help to prepare learning activities for older workers was presented –in regards formal training and HRD/workplace learning –three steps: before/preparation, during/training implementation, and after the training

LEARNING APPROACH & METHOD ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXT Workplace Training institute OLDER LEARNER & WORKER – Characteristics LEARNING SUBSTANCE Skills, knowledge, attitudes (i)Task-centred skills -Formal training (ii) Worker-centred skills - Informal, non-formal, HRD (iii) Activity approach - All approaches Job competence (needs), learning motivation, skills,… E.g. Level of formality of the learning activity, learner group characteristics, etc. -Learning potential and ”learning conduciveness” of jobs -Organisational learning culture - ‘Intergenerational culture’ TEACHER/ LEARNING FACILITATOR Characteristics E.g. Teaching style, self- confidence, confidence with the learning substance, A multi-dimensional reality of education al planning and learning participation

Conclusions for the TOP+ project further on 1.Call for an experimental, innovative approach. 2.The model: well balanced between the general characteristics of older workers and the heterogeneity of this group. 3.The model: flexible. 4.Differentiation for best match with the target group? 2-3 alternative basic training models 5.HRD and workplace context: needs a model of its own on the side of a more “pure” adult education model? 6.The model: build on some core principles rather than constitute a set of fixed properties. 7.Recommendations for further training of the trainers needed.

Thank you for your attention. ”The lack of training received by older workers is dominantly a symptom of broader problems they face. And it is these broader problems that deserve prime attention.” ( Mayhew & Rijkers, 2004 ) Contact information: Dr. Tarja Tikkanen Head of Research - Management, organisations & competence Dept. of Social Science and Business Development International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS) P.O.Box 8046 N Stavanger Norway Tel ; Mobile Skype: tikkarene Internet: