CINCO DE MAYO Por Srta. Galler
What is 5 de mayo a celebration of? 5 de mayo is the day Mexico celebrates their Independence from France!
How did the celebration of 5 de mayo begin? Mexico gained their independence from Spain in After the Mexican-American War & the Mexican Civil War, Mexico’s economy was ruined and they became in debt to several countries. Mexico was in debt to Spain, France, & England
Mexico attempted to pay back these countries by making payments. When Mexico could no longer make payments, each country sent a leader to speak with Mexico about the debt. Mexico offered all the money in Veracruz’s treasury for the countries to split because that was all the money they had. Spain and England agreed to accept the money from the treasury, but France did NOT!
France decided to take advantage of this opportunity that Mexico could not pay. France decided to invade Mexico and take control of the country. The King of France, Napoleon III, sent over Maximilian to be Mexico’s new ruler.
Mexico was not going to stand by and allow France to invade and take over their country. The president of Mexico, Benito Juarez, sent General Ignacio Zaragoza to head up Mexico’s army.
There were only 4,500 soldiers in Mexico’s army, which were common people not having any formal military training. However, there were 6,500 soldiers in France’s army, which was the strongest army in the world. Even though Mexico was greatly out numbered and out skilled; they did not give up. They followed General Zaragoza into battle in the city of Puebla. France invaded Mexico through the state of Veracruz, marching into Puebla. They went to battle and Mexico won the bloody battle at Puebla on 5 de mayo 1862.
5 de mayo today Since Mexico won against France in Puebla 5 de mayo 1862, it is a national holiday. Schools and businesses are closed and there are celebrations throughout Mexico. Schools prior to 5 de mayo have huge celebrations and fiestas with food, decorations, dancing, fireworks, parades and plays.