® © 2008 IBM Corporation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation EGL International Conference Zurich Oct Enterprise Modernization Strategy Todd Britton Director, Enterprise Tools & Compilers
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 2 Change in the Marketplace, Enterprise Systems, & Application Development The 1990’sNew Millennium ILE/LE: Smaller, reusable programs Enterprise Server Public Web service (trusted) Web service (untrusted) IBM i Client/Server The 1980’s Large, monolithic RPG programs AS/400 Enterprise Server Enterprise Server Enterprise Server
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation “8 of 10 CEOs see significant change ahead” IBM CEO Survey By 2010, there will be 1 billion transistors per human By 2010, there will be 30 billion RFID tags in circulation China sends more text messages in a week than the U.S. does in 1 year There are 1 billion camera phones in use today Soon there will be over 2 billion people on the web By 2011 there will be trillions of interconnected objects – cars, planes, cameras, roadways, pipelines - forming an “Internet of Things” Change is the new norm
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation “The gap between expected change and the ability to manage it has almost tripled since 2006.” – 2008 IBM CEO study Companies are struggling to keep up “IT investments made 10 to 20 years ago are … constraining the speed with which these businesses can change and respond to industry threats.” – Gartner’s Top Predictions for Industry Leaders, 2007 and Beyond IT should be an Enabler, not a Burden
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Modernization is Easier said than Done To enable flexibility, IT must overcome challenges such as: No business intelligence inventory of application assets Complex application architectures Skills lock-in and staff inflexibility Antiquated development tools & application UI’s Islands of development – tools, processes, infrastructure Limited funding for new investments
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 5 Dimensions of Enterprise Application Modernization Strategy 1 - Assets Map business processes to IT systems; transform, reuse and manage enterprise application assets 4 – Team Infrastructure Leverage modern processes, tools and middleware to reduce costs, improve quality and productivity 2 - Architectures Create or enhance SOA applications by reusing existing applications as services 3 - Skills Rapidly develop multi-platform applications using new and existing skills 5 - Investments Invest resources in new opportunities System zIBM iAIX/Linux 1.Leverage value in existing assets to support and enhance business processes 2.Drive innovation with SOA and web technology advancements 3.Leverage existing and new staff on multi- platform projects 4.Improve quality and flexibility with a consolidated team infrastructure 5.Reduce maintenance costs
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Asset Management Business Challenge: Difficulty understanding and leveraging existing IT systems to support business processes Solutions: Comprehensive inventory of assets for impact analysis & reuse Map business processes to IT systems Identify business rules & potential services, refactor for reuse –Rational Asset Analyzer –Rational Transformation Workbench 120 parts change if I modify this Could this be a business rule? What happens if I change this? Assets COBOL C RPG PF/LF Java EGL Should I retire or repurpose this? I want to improve my business processes, but where do I start? How can we… Understand how our IT systems support our business processes so we can predictably enhance them Avoid application downtime due to unforeseen code dependencies? Maintain control over code provided by outsourcers, business partners, or acquired through a merger? Accelerate SOA efforts? Potential order entry service Gold customer qualification rule Software Assets AJAX RPG EGL Create self-service site for drivers licenses Priority seating process
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Solutions Flexible architectures to enable business agility Business Challenge Inflexibility in adapting applications in support of business needs Architectures How can we… Progress our SOA maturity given all our existing code assets, including CICS, IMS, IBM i and green screen applications? Build services once and deploy them across my heterogeneous production environment? Ensure our new SOA system will be more easy to extend and maintain than my current ones? Outsourced Supplier Shared Svc Division Customer Expose 5250 applications as web services –Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) Quickly create web services from existing RPG, COBOL, Java, or EGL applications –Rational Developer for System i for SOA (RDI SOA) –Rational Developer for System z –Rational Business Developer Create new platform-independent services –Rational Business Developer (EGL Service keyword) Manage assets during development –Rational Asset Manage Manage deployed services –WebSphere Service Registry & Repository RDi SOA – 4/2008 RDi and RBD in single offering Robust, productive, easy to learn development environment Web-enable your RPG applications That would make a great web service!
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 9 Target Architecture Controller Logic Reporting Rich UI Web 2.0 RPG/COBOL/EGL/Java Business logic exposed as services Controller Logic Accounts Receivable Rich UI Web 2.0 Controller Logic Order Entry Rich UI Web 2.0 Business logic integrated with supplier, customer, and vendor applications Control logic EGL, PHP, J2EE or others. User Inteface
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 10 Evolution of Legacy Applications Existing Green Screens 5250/3270 Data Stream “scraping” enter customer number:_____ Time:8:05 date:Oct 22,2000 Ent er “Native” rich UI’s for existing RPG programs Refactored application: Separation of UI, Controller, and Business Logic Business Logic in service programs exposed as web services SOA; Web 2.0 Fat Client, Web, Web 2.0, Mobile UI enter customer number:_____ Time:8:05 date:Oct 22,2000 Enter Where are you on this continuum? Where do you need to be? We are committed to helping with these transitions…lets talk…
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation SQL DB/400 DL/I Skills - Languages Business Challenge Staff inflexibility due to “skills silos” How can we… Exploit new technologies and innovation without retraining existing staff that knows the business? Use new employees on any project, independent of the target platform? Provide modern web UIs leveraging existing skills and systems? Solutions Powerful tools & abstractions for cross-platform development using today’s skills & tomorrow’s new employees Apply existing business-knowledgeable staff to build all elements of multi-platform applications... end-to-end from Web 2.0 to services to business transactions Attract new staff with “IBM’s newest business language” –Rational Business Developer (EGL) –Rational Developer for i SOA EGL Credit Rating Service Java,.Net Existing Business Logic PL/I, RPG, HLASM Customer Service PL/I RPG, COBOL custSearch Discount Service JSF Java SQL custSearch.jsp JavaScript XML, WSDL, JAX RPC, MQ, J2C WAS IMS CICS EGL Service EGL JSF Page & EGL Handler EGL EGL Service EGL SQL VSAM, DL/I No exposure of communication technology No exposure of middleware RBD 7.5 – 4Q08 Web rich internet applications RDi SOA 7.5 – 4Q08 RDi for RPG and EGL for web 2.0 in one box I built that cool web 2.0 app with EGL
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Skills – Languages Web Rich Internet Apps Browsers are ubiquitous and increasingly powerful Users now expect modern, interactive web UIs: Dojo, Google Maps, etc... Reap the benefits of Client-Server architectures: Presentation logic within the browser Server used for business and data access logic Server bandwidth and response times increase But typically, many low-level technologies to learn: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ajax, Dojo, SilverLight, SOAP, WSDL, Flex, XML, JSON, Google Maps, HTTP, etc Focus is on “how” instead of “what” EGL Rich UI hides these details and complexities: Focus is on “what” instead of “how” Improves developer productivity Enables more developers to build Web 2.0 solutions Easily extensible with new widget sets
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 13 Web2.0: Tagging Voting Comments Skills – Languages The power of Rich Web 2.0 User Interfaces
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 14 Architecture of the RSDC Scheduler getTrack(id) getSession(id) SOAP/REST Services EGL records JSON Responses vote(id, 5) Simple Services, Rich Web UI, Scalability, Leverage legacy investments Browser EGL Services raw HTML RPG – DB2 Backend built by Joe Pluta on IBM i in Chicago. Web 2.0 UI built by Chris Laffra in Raleigh using EGL.
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 15 Application Virtualization with EGL EGL RDi SOA - RBD EGL: One developer can do it all! Supports AIX and Linux, native to IBM i System z (CICS, IMS, Batch) Windows Call programs or access data from multiple environments Modern Web 2.0 UI Native SOA support Easy to learn Low cost Rapid implementation System z
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Community Sites for Business Developers
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Skills - IDEs Business Challenge Low productivity, non-competitive tools for new developers How can we… Achieve higher productivity for our enterprise developers? Attract new and younger developers to backfill retiring IBM i developers? Simplify license management by standardizing on a single, multi-platform development IDE? Take advantage of new capabilities in Jazz Solutions Modern IDEs to achieve high productivity and attract new talent Use modern IDEs to develop and maintain code Debug and test from workstation –Rational Developer for System i –Rational Developer for System i for SOA Construction –Rational Developer for System z –Rational Application Developer RDi SOA v7.5 – 4Q08 RPG/COBOL tools Application Diagram EGL for web development and Service creation Web 2.0 capability Integrated with Rational Team Concert for i I am NOT going to miss my green screen editor
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Team Infrastructure Business Challenge Inefficiencies and quality problems in multi- platform development How can we… Increase quality and improve responsiveness for multi- platform development teams? Simplify management of team infrastructure for multiple development teams? Reduce team infrastructure costs across the enterprise? Solutions Coordination, traceability, consistency across platforms Consolidate enterprise and distributed source code management –Rational ClearCase Automate and orchestrate defect tracking and configuration management across the enterprise –Rational ClearQuest Produce coordinated, traceable, automated, and cross- platform builds Rational BuildForge Rational ClearCase Rational ClearQuest z/OS, zLinux Windows, AIX & Linux RDz, RDi, RBD, ISPF check in & out Enterprise Asset Repository Enterprise Lifecycle Portal BF Agent Build Forge BF Agent IBM i Enterprise Development Environment Consolidated Development Environment Distributed Development Environment The only island I want to see has palm trees
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Team Infrastructure Software Innovation through Collaboration Real time, in-context team collaboration Make software development more automated, transparent and predictive "Think and work in unison" Integrated source control, work item and build management Assess real-time project health Capture data automatically and unobstrusively Automate best practices Dynamic processes accelerate team workflow Out-of-the-box or custom processes Unify software teams Integrate a broad array of tools and clients Extend the value of ClearQuest and ClearCase Support for System z and IBM i servers (beta 3Q) IBM Rational Team Concert transparent integrated presence wikis OPEN real-time reporting chat automated hand-offs Web 2.0 custom dashboards automated data gathering EXTENSIBILITY Eclipse plug-ins services architecture FREEDOM TO CREATE Open and extensible on Collaborate in context Right-size governance Day one productivity Rational Team Concert for IBM i/z Collaborative team environment for IBM i, as well as distributed or z/OS Specialized support for all language artifacts such as RPG, COBOL, EGL, Java Native IBM i file system support IBM i artifact builds Hosted on IBM i, z/OS, or distributed Goal of plugging in partners, like Aldon, MKS, Soft Landing, Databorough, … Open beta for RTC on IBM i - in progress
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation A Rational Team Concert for i & z Scenario 20 Requirement Work Items Code (COBOL, RPG, EGL) Regression tests Automated builds Developer Business Stakeholder IT Management Levies a: Turns Requirement into: Team Lead Works on Work Items: Business Stakeholder Additional Capabilities: Teach it your development process Defect tracking Source code management Team membership, communication, … All artifacts stored on IBM i or z … Project Dashboard Check on Status of:
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Streamline Development Investments Business Challenge Archaic green screen applications How can we… Improve “look and feel” of our systems? Extend internal applications to the web? Create modern Web 2.0 rich web UIs without training staff in Javascript, XML, JSON, etc? HATS 7.1 3/2008 Mobile device support Visual macro editor (tech preview) JSR 168 support (portlet standard) Web services usability improvements Quickly and easily extend your 5250 and 3270applications to the web –Host Access Transformation Services Leverage rich UI and Web 2.0 technologies with existing or new developers –Rational Business Developer 7.5 (2H08) –On AlphaWorks today! Solutions Create impressive UIs quickly Wow, did I build that?
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation 22 Application Management with Rational Tools Rational Team Concert, EGL, RDi/RDz, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Rational Functional Tester, … Across all IBM Business OS’s: Manage source Regression test applications Deploy applications Leverage developer skills System z
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation Summary: Rational Enterprise Application Modernization Strategy 1 - Assets Map business processes to IT systems; transform, reuse and manage enterprise application assets 4 – Team Infrastructure Leverage modern processes, tools and middleware to reduce costs, improve quality and productivity 2 - Architectures Create or enhance SOA applications by reusing existing applications as services 3 - Skills Rapidly develop multi-platform applications using new and existing skills 5 - Investments Invest resources in new opportunities System zIBM iAIX/Linux 1.Leverage value in existing assets to support and enhance business processes 2.Drive innovation with SOA and web technology advancements 3.Leverage existing and new staff on multi- platform projects 4.Improve quality and flexibility with a consolidated team infrastructure 5.Reduce maintenance costs EGL
IBM Software Group | EGL Simplify Innovation IBM Software Group EGL Simplify Innovation © Copyright IBM Corporation All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, the on- demand business logo, Rational, the Rational logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Learn more at: IBM Rational software IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform Process and portfolio management Change and release management Quality management Architecture management Rational trial downloads Leading Innovation Web site developerWorks Rational IBM Rational TV IBM Rational Business Partners THANK YOU