RED is without a doubt, the most interesting color we can discuss. The red wavelength comes into the eye and 20% goes to the pituitary gland and raises our body temperature by about 1 degree. Men tend to gravitate towards red-red-orange as opposed to women, who gravitate towards red-red-blue Women have an extra chromosome so women can see red better than men. Due to red’s long wavelength, we are able to remember it when shopping, even if we do not have a color swatch with us.
Red is the most contradictory color. It stands for love and hate.
Red is symbolic for Romance and passion. Valentine, red-roses, the perfume Red. Free clip art
Red is symbolic for aggression as seen in this fast red car
Room decked out in red is warm and inviting as well as exciting. It communicates a “wow” effect.
Red is symbolic for Life (blood) Red is symbolic for danger Fire is red/orange and fire is very dangerous. Fire: free clip art
Photo by Dorothy Minarsch
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Hot pink (fuchsia) is used in cells where people are out of control. It calms them down so it’s used in mental institutions.
The symbolism of red and white combined is compassion as seen in red cross materials
What happens symbolically when black and red are combined? The symbolism associated with red plus black can be “danger” as seen in the Black Widow spider, or the Nazi Swastika
Orange Orange has no positive or negative symbolic significance; however orange does impact us psychologically
Orange Tints Metropolitan Home Magazine Orange is warm, happy and friendly when in tints, shades and tones
Wynn Hotel – photo by Dorothy Minarsch
Intense orange, like red orange, is better used in areas where you are there for a short time.
The psychological effect of orange changes the perception in the brain related to time. Orange environments cause the brain to experience time in a shorter way ………………………(where did the time go). Free clip art
Woods are typically placed into the “orange” family, which is why so many people love hardwood floors. Free clip art
We associate orange with friendliness. One of the reasons why orange is so symbolic of friendliness may be because you find blazes of orange in nature: Bryce Canyon National Park and East Coast in the Fall Free clip art
Red-orange cones on the road symbolize road construction (the orange color is the most conspicuous of all bright colors) Free clip art
Orange tints are safe colors to use in commercial design because of the non- threatening and friendly nature of orange. Free clip art