Usually, Greg _to eat_ anything he _to want_ and _to worry (neg Usually, Greg _to eat_ anything he _to want_ and _to worry (neg.)_ about what it _to do_ to his body. However, now, he _to compete_ in swimming and has to change his eating habits.
Usually, Greg eats anything he wants and doesn’t worry about what it does to his body. However, now, he is competing in swimming and has to change his eating habits.
Usually, he __to get up__ and _have_ orange juice or just _to skip_ breakfast because he _to be_ late for class. Then at lunch, he frequently _to meet_ his friends at Mac Donald's and _to have_ a Big Mac, fries and a cola.
Usually, he gets up and has orange juice or just skips breakfast because he is late for class. Then at lunch, he frequently meets his friends at Mac Donald's and has a Big Mac, fries and a cola.
At dinner time, he always _to sit_ down with his family, and _to enjoy_ a big meal. His mom usually _to serve_ meat, vegetables and potatoes. After that, he _to eat_ a green salad or some fruit. Most of the time, by eleven o'clock, he _to be_ hungry again, so he ice cream and cookies.
At dinner time, he always sits down with his family, and enjoys a big meal. His mom usually serves meat, vegetables and potatoes. After that, he eats a green salad or some fruit. Most of the time, by eleven o'clock, he is hungry again, so he ice cream and cookies.
Now, he _to swim_ competitively and his diet _to be_ completely different. In the morning, he _to eat_ a lot more protein, eggs and bacon, and a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast, so that he has more energy for his morning work-out. He _to spend_ noon time with his swimming teammates, not his "junk food" friends. He _to follow_ a low-fat, high-protein diet.
Now, he is swimming competitively and his diet is completely different Now, he is swimming competitively and his diet is completely different. In the morning, he is eating a lot more protein, eggs and bacon, and a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast, so that he has more energy for his morning work-out. He is spending noon time with his swimming teammates, not his "junk food" friends. He is following a low-fat, high-protein diet.
Now, at dinner, he _to take_ an extra helping of meat and potatoes Now, at dinner, he _to take_ an extra helping of meat and potatoes. In fact, his mom _to have_ trouble keeping enough food in the refrigerator. She _to think_ that he _to be_ an eating-machine. Next, week Greg _to go_ to Washington State for the National Swimming Championships. He _to be_ excited about them, but he _to know_ that it may take a while until he _to win_ a big competition.
Now, at dinner, he is taking an extra helping of meat and potatoes Now, at dinner, he is taking an extra helping of meat and potatoes. In fact, his mom is having trouble keeping enough food in the refrigerator. She thinks that he is an eating-machine. Next, week Greg is going to Washington State for the National Swimming Championships. He is excited about them, but he knows that it may take a while until he wins a big competition.