Swim-A-Thon March 10, 2012 Page 1 Columbus Hurricanes Fundraising Committee
Page 2 Significant Achievements in 6 months! Full Coaching Staff – Welcome Michael Stewart and Tina Holder! Brand new website!! Faster swimming!!! 2012 Goals within reach Increase team to 150 swimmers Add another Age-Group Coach Develop a City wide Summer League Columbus Hurricanes Achievements
Page 3 Fundraising Committee Chair – Amy Bahls, Program Director Sandra Hollingsworth Rick and Cheri Mattson Alicia Newton Mission To provide a vision and plan to raise the economic resources for Columbus Aquatic Club in support of Board of Directors current and future goals. Columbus Hurricanes Fundraising Committee 2012 Goals To raise $16,000 for club Equipment Wish list: Under Water Video System Dry Land Equipment Medicine Balls Matts Pace Clock Fins Supplied for Olympic Strokes Program
Page 4 Progress To Date Columbus Hurricanes Fundraising Committee LevelSponsorAmount PlatinumAflac$5,000 (3yrs) GoldSt. Francis Orthopaedic $2,500 SilverColumbus Sports Council $1,000 Houston Clinic$700 Buffalo Rock Beverages $300 Total$9,500
Page 5 Columbus Hurricanes Fundraising Committee Prizes! Award certificate for everyone at the pizza party. Bring 5 friends with $25 each for “Get Out of Practice 30 Minutes Early” Pass. The Swimmer with most friends gets to “Be the Coach for the Day” (max 6 swimmers per lane/minimum 2). First come, first serve on the lanes and times. As of February 25 th, the swimmer with the most donations from each swim group will win a month of FREE swimming for that child. Families that raise $100 in donations get their name in a drawing for a $50 gift card. Families that get $200 in donations also get their name in a drawing for a $75 gift card. Families that get $300 in donations also get their name in a drawing for a $100 gift card. Additional prizes are awarded from USA Swimming for those swimmers who raise over $500. Fun Activities! TimeActivity 8:00-9:30 AMRelays for Hurricane Swimmers (all ages) 9:30-9:45 AMMike vs. Michael Challenge 9:45-10:00 AMFriends Challenge Check-in 10:00-NoonFriends Challenge and Pizza Party
Page 6 Columbus Hurricanes Fundraising Committee Full Team Support Everyone participate Start today! 6 Parent Volunteers during event for Guest Check-in Paper Pledge packets with USA Swimming logo What are keys to success? Portal Swimhurricanes.com -> Fundraising -> Swim-A-Thon 2012 Team Unify for convenient pledge collection templates for out of town friends and family
Columbus Aquatic Club Saturday, March 10, 2012 “A new storm is coming”