Marketing For Nonprofits
What is marketing? Marketing is the methodology of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service. Marketing techniques include choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and advertising a product's value to the customer. From a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society's material requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long term relationships. Marketing blends art and applied science (such as behavioral sciences) and makes use of information technology. WIKI
What dose good marketing do? It leaves an impression! Good marketing can cause action! It causes emotion. It makes you want to do something. It connects, bring people together. It makes you wish you had, were, or are connected some way to the product, project or movement! It can cause trends and desires. It can last life’s times and change history, it can become history. It can spread a message or a mission.
Nonprofits need attention, recognition, they need Marketing! You have a business, think like a business. All organizations have a name. Wither nonprofit or for a profit they need a presences. To build a brand that represents what they represent! After you have a name for your nonprofit. You might want a logo to go with it! There are some free online logo makers if you type free logos in a search engine on the internet you can check out. As well as other company's online and maybe local in your neighborhood that can create you a personal logo. Prices vary.
Come up with a budget! You should have a name, of course checked and registered with your state and proper business fillings. If you’re just starting out you might not have a budget, or much money for that matter. You might have to look for free or low cost options. There is social media posting and low cost web hosting like that can be a start. From my experience the more money you want to save the more time you and your peers will have to invest to get the job done. If you’re alone in your nonprofit your search engine can be your best friend! See what others like and are doing. Look to local mom and pops stores and ask how they market on a budget. Research similar nonprofits. You don’t know until you know. Network, look for mentors, ask questions. Tell friends and associates word of mouth is the best advertising! If you have a group to work with at your nonprofit have a brain storm session and see what skills each of you already posses or are interested in learning. Graphic design, film, social media, printing, webpage design and viral media are all money saving skills that can be used to come up with a low cost marketing plan you can create from within. Look for volunteers and interns. You also might want to look into grants or sponsorship opportunities from larger corporations that might support your cause.
Marketing Strategy Just like any business you need a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is the goal of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives. WIKI For nonprofits it might not be about beating the competition, but just like any other business, profits are important. You can not run a business with out money. Your marketing might have different goals as to increase awareness or gain exposure. You have to look at what resources you have available. Make a budget if you have an amount to work with.
Target Markets Who do you want to reach? You have to decide who do you want to reach? Do you need volunteers, members, donations, recognition? What is the message you want to make and who do you want to make it to? Age-Baby Boomers, GenX, Millennial Area- How far do you want to reach? Zip codes, City, State, national, world. Groups- Political, religious, Animal lovers, income, students, children, families, Actors, unions, extra……
Strategy continued ….. There are many ways to reach your target market Newsletters Logos Donation Tools Campaign Viral Programs Brochures Community Television Radio Social Media Business Cards Flyers Events Protests Press Releases Join Business and Neighborhood Associations Look to politicians that support your cause Prize giveaways Offer Scholarships campaigns Volunteer Join forces, team up Get sponsorship
Mark, Get Set, Go! You have a lot to do. Name Logo Budget Workers, who dose what? Marketing Strategy Target Markets Making Materials Implementing Strategy Follow through and dedication!