Wind Power Adapted from Where do we get our electricity? KidWind Project |


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Presentation transcript:

Wind Power Adapted from

Where do we get our electricity? KidWind Project |

What is a Fossil Fuel???

What is “Renewable Energy?”

Wind Energy is the Fastest Growing Energy Source in the World!! US installed capacity grew 45% in 2007 and 50% in 2008!!!

KidWind Project |

2008: 8,358 megawatts (MW) of new wind energy capacity installed 50% growth rate! Brings US total installed wind energy capacity to 25,170 MW Enough electricity to power the equivalent of close to 7 million households! 2009 was a slower year due to the economy

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Why such growth…costs! 1979: 40 cents/kWh Increased Turbine Size R&D Advances Manufacturing Improvements NSP 107 MW Lake Benton wind farm 4 cents/kWh (unsubsidized) 2004: 3 – 4.5 cents/kWh 2000: cents/kWh

Wind Farms

Modern Small Wind Turbines: High Tech, High Reliability, Low Maintenance Technically Advanced Only 2-3 Moving Parts Very Low Maintenance Requirements Proven: ~ 5,000 On-Grid American Companies are the Market and Technology Leaders 10 kW 50 kW 400 W 900 W (Not to scale)

Does Small Wind Energy Pay? Does wind energy have to pay for itself? – We often buy items of equivalent cost that provide no monetary value, and often cost money to use – Off grid customers are looking for least cost option (connect to grid, diesel generator, solar/wind hybrid, etc..) Comparing initial costs is not useful – Wind has no fuel cost – Generators are cheaper per kW, but not necessarily cheaper at producing energy over the entire life

Economic Incentives Tax Credits Tax Exemptions Rebates Production Incentives & Rebates Accelerated Depreciation Grants & Loans Net Metering Arrangements

Wind Power in AZ Dry Lake Wind Farm Phases I and II complete Mohave County Wind Farm Spring 2011 Williams wind farm proposed AZ has wind resources consistent with utility-scale production Rural Wind Development Act 2007 Current DOE project requires state-funded buildings to run on at least 10% renewable energy

The Siting Process Wind Farm in Palm Springs, CA Where is the best location for a wind farm? Is the farm near the power grid? Where is the wind consistently strong? What is the weather like?

Location, Location, Location! It is best to build a wind farm where wind speed and direction has been studied for 1- 3 years Strong and steady winds are needed to produce reliable electricity The site should not be prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Best sites: Hilltops Open plains Mountain passes Coasts Offshore

Off-Shore Wind Farms


Why do windmills need to be high in the sky??

Turbulent wind is bad wind

Wind Varies Annually Average annual wind speeds may vary as much as 25% from year to year

Wind Varies Seasonally

Wind Varies Daily Wind varies daily not only because of weather but because of convective heating Winds typically strongest in mid-late afternoon Convective heating is less of an influence in winter, when storms dominate wind patterns

Where is the wind? Where are the population centers? Where are the wind farms? How do we get wind energy from the wind farms to the population centers? Transmission Problems

Wildlife & Wind Power When siting a wind farm, developers must consider any possible wildlife impacts. Though this was not the case in early wind farm development (1980’s), today all proposed wind farms must undergo a strict environmental impact assessment.

What about the birds? Wind Turbines kill very few birds compared to other human activities Estimates are ~1-2 bird deaths per turbine per year Global warming is the single biggest threat to wildlife today A recent study in Nature found that more than 1/3 of species worldwide will be extinct by 2050 if global warming trends continue “ As responsible citizens, stewards, and advocates, Mass Audubon strongly supports public policies and private projects that advance energy conservation and efficiency. We also support the development of wind farms, as a renewable energy source to offset the effects of global climate change produced by the burning of fossil fuels. ” Sept. 21, 2004

Impact on Birds of Prey and Migratory Birds Do wind turbines affect migration patterns of birds? Though the turbines do not kills many birds each year, the total deaths could eventually tip the species into decline. The majority of birds killed by wind turbines are birds of prey This experimental turbine built by Northeast Wind Energy can be lowered and turned off when birds migrate through the area, or during foul weather Birds of prey and wind developers are both drawn to the same sites – hills and ridges where the wind provides lift for soaring birds Wind farms can create wind vortexes that draw in birds and cause fatal collisions with turbines

What About the Bats? Many bats die not from colliding with the turbines, but from a sudden drop in air pressure Their lungs cannot accommodate for the change in pressure Bats can detect most human-made structures through echolocation. An atmospheric-pressure drop at wind turbine blades is undetectable through echolocation Many migratory bats and bats that live in forest trees have been affected: the bats come in at night to eat insects, and the effects of the bat deaths can be far-reaching Proposals to turn off wind turbines when wind speed is low at night and bats are migrating to prevent more deaths

Impacts of Wind Power: Noise Modern turbines are relatively quiet Noise can be mitigated with setback distance –Utility scale wind turbines should be at least ¼ to ½ mile away from residences

Visual Impact Many people think wind turbines are “graceful, kinetic sculptures.” People who have never seen modern wind turbines in person are more likely to think they will be an eyesore. People may complain that wind turbines look industrial and take away from the natural beauty of the landscape Though people may support renewable energy, they may not want the turbines in their “backyard” – NIMBY

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