DCWebWomen.org Redesign
Problem Statement DCWebWomen.org The organization does not use the website as an extension of their brand. As a result, the organization misses the opportunity to promote its value to women (and men) of the millennium generation (ages 18 to 35).
Research: Millennium Generation DCWebWomen.org
Research: Millennium Generation DCWebWomen.org
Research: Millennium Generation DCWebWomen.org
Research: Survey Results DCWebWomen.org Target Market 1.IT-Tech Professional, mostly women. 2.Employee Recruiters 3.President/CEOs/Entrepreneurs 4.Outside visitors scouting for work in the D.C. region
Research: Survey Results DCWebWomen.org Networking Preferences 1.Face-to-Face meetings 2.Social Media 3.Website Most participate at least 1x per month
Research: Survey Results DCWebWomen.org Site Feature Demands 1.Jobs section 2.Member Profiles 3.Blog/Original Content 4.Portfolio board 5.Forums/Chats/Social
Research: Site Analytics DCWebWomen.org Visitors Average visitor visits 2+ pages Most users are interested in events People are talking about DCWebWomen, but most cannot find the information they need through search
Research: Site Analytics DCWebWomen.org Top Referrers 1.Twitter 2.DCWebWomen ListServ 3.Facebook 4.LinkedIn 5.Eventbright (events widget)
Research: Site Analytics DCWebWomen.org Location 1.Washington, D.C. region 2.Baltimore 3.New York City 4.San Francisco 5.Philadelphia
Research: Recognition DCWebWomen.org 61% of survey respondents prefer the organization to be recognized by the industry, or by industry leaders
Research: Click-through Task Analysis DCWebWomen.org Out of 16 survey members, most could find the registration button and register. However, face-to-face interviews indicate that the registration process is confusing, and users do not know if they are joining an organization or the website. There is little understanding as to what the organization actually offers.
Research: Click-through Task Analysis DCWebWomen.org Users can generally find and register for Events; however, face-to-face and remote testing indicate that the Events page could be easier to follow and offer more information.
Research: Click-through Task Analysis DCWebWomen.org The “Jobs” section of the site is just an address. Members want a robust job board including the ability to apply and post jobs, as well as network with other members.
Research: 5 Second Test DCWebWomen.org Out of 18 random survey respondents – one respondent mentioned DC Web Women as the organization’s name.
Personas: IT/Tech Professional DCWebWomen.org
Personas: Recruiter/HR DCWebWomen.org
Personas: CEO/Entrepreneur DCWebWomen.org
Goals & Tasks DCWebWomen.org Users Need to Register Task: Locate the “Registration link” Task: Read Rules& Regulations Task: Complete Registration form Task: Submit Form Task: Receive confirmation/approval notification Users Need to Post Jobs Task: Visit the “Jobs” section Task: Login as member Task: Open “create a new job.” Task: Create a job Task: Post it live Task: Receive confirmation Users Need to Browse Events Task: Visit “Events” or landing page Task: Browse Events by month Task: Choose event Task: Register for Event Task: Submit Registration Task: Receive Confirmation Users Need to View/Apply Jobs Task: Visit the “Jobs” page or landing page Task: Browse Jobs by posting date Task: Login as member Task: Choose Job Task: Submit application or connect to post creator Task: Submit Resume/Documents Task: Receive Confirmation/Notification
Features: Kano Analysis DCWebWomen.org Very Dissatisfied Good Execution Very Satisfied Poor Execution Present on Site Suggested Feature Improved Registration Original Content/Blog Jobs (apply & view) section Improved Events Member Profile/Portfolio Tutorials/Learning Forums/Chats/Social E-Newsletters Events Workshops Jobs Benefits Social/Lists Requires the best execution to reach the highest user satisfaction Can “get away” with average capabilities, but still a requirement
Card Sort Results DCWebWomen.org
User Flow (Combined Target Market) DCWebWomen.org Action Decision Begin/End
Wireframes: Landing Page DCWebWomen.org Top Referrers 1.Twitter 2.DCWebWomen ListServ 3.Facebook 4.LinkedIn 5.Eventbright (events widget )
Current Landing Page DCWebWomen.org Page Concerns #1 Registration is hidden/small #2 Jobs section cannot be found #3 Not easy to register for Events right from the front page #4 No one really understands the benefits of membership
Wireframe: Landing Page DCWebWomen.org Site Enhancements #1 Upgraded social icons to the top. Users want more social media. #2 Join Now and Sign-In are more visible #3 Join Today added to the site as a strong call to action to join. #4 Banner is smaller. People often do not watch banners. This should showcase events, photos etc. #5 Organization’s mission statement added to the banner. #6 Why Should You Join? Added to the page to invite people to learn more about the organization. #7 Events snapshot on the front page contain “Register” buttons. #8 News/Blogs/Jobs front page section to highlight these features #9 Members want to stay connected, a Twitter feed was added to promote the organization’s movements in the industry.
Wireframe: Landing Page w/Navigation DCWebWomen.org 1 #1 IA Reflects the Card Sort survey
User Flow: Events DCWebWomen.org Action Decision Begin/End
Current Events Page DCWebWomen.org Page Concerns #1 Calendar is clunky #2 Link to registration is in the title, but this is not visibly clear #3 Prior events reside in another page #3 Page is not inviting, no information about prior events, instructor information, or photos of past events. #5 No invitation to Join the organization
Wireframe: Events DCWebWomen.org Site Enhancements #1 Added sharing/printing capabilites #2 Most current event is promoted to the top #3 added Join Today and Why Join calls to action #3 Added photos and Videos of past events #5 Events “Read More” and instructor pop up, instead of going to another page. #6 Contests and Past Events section, no need for calendar. #7 Added testimonials section so visitors know who comes to events. 2
Wireframe: Event Registration DCWebWomen.org Page Overview Organization uses Eventbright, which is sufficient to host events and handle the financial side. Organization should continue to promote “Why Should You Join?” call to action.
Wireframe: Blog DCWebWomen.org Page Overview Users want to original content such as blogs, tutorials etc.
Wireframe: Jobs (Non-Member) DCWebWomen.org Page Overview #1 Page is shareable #2 Search per Job + Location #3 Job Listings contain company logo, city, title, days posted #4 Can see multiple pages #5 Page continues to ask you to Join the organization
Wireframe: Jobs (Log-in Required) DCWebWomen.org Page Overview Membership is required to apply to jobs or post new jobs.