FORCEnet – Engineering & Architecting The Navy’s IT Future


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Presentation transcript:

FORCEnet – Engineering & Architecting The Navy’s IT Future NMCI - Industry Symposium 19 Jun 2003 RADM Mike Sharp, USN Vice Commander Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command

Agenda SPAWAR Review SeaPower 21 & FORCEnet FORCEnet and NMCI

SPAWAR - A Quick Review One of the Navy’s three major acquisition commands with 7,700 employees Partner with PEO- C4I & Space to deliver C4ISR capability to the joint warfighter Partner with PEO-IT & DNMCI Develop Navy, Joint and Coalition Interoperability Navy C4ISR Chief Engineer Navy FORCEnet Chief Architect/Assessor Combined TOA $4.7 Billion What we do…

to the Joint Warfighter through the of effective, capable and The Mission We deliver FORCEnet to the Joint Warfighter through the DEVELOPMENT, ACQUISITION, and LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT of effective, capable and integrated command, control communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, IT, and space systems. SPAWAR’s Strategic Plan defines our Mission, who we are, what our business is and where we want to be. Notice the words “Knowledge Superiority”, “Development”, “Acquisition”, and “Support”. These concepts form the foundation of what it is we do. DEVELOPMENT - We continuously communicate with the Fleet to plan for future C4ISR, IT, and space capability.   ACQUISITION - We streamline and consolidate the acquisition process to deliver integrated end-to-end capability to the Fleet and our other customers. By leveraging the efforts across programs, we are integrating our product line to provide seamless solutions for the Fleet at reduced cost.  LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT - Developing and installing C4ISR and IT systems is only half the job. To provide sustained capability, SPAWAR, in conjunction with the Chief of Education and Training (CNET), trains the operator. SPAWAR provides continuous life cycle support using refresher training, technical assistance and a 24/7 SPAWAR help desk.

Functional Organization Responsibility C4I & FORCEnet Architecture / Objectives Systems Design and Engineering Chief Engineer (05) Functional Allocation/Financial Planning Science & Technology/Advanced Development Space Tech Systems C2 + Combat Support Apps Networks + Info Assurance Comms PEO C4I & Space Defense In Depth PEO IT / DNMCI Navy / Marine Corps Intranet Systems Integration and Testing Chief Engineer (05) Integrated Implementation Planning Chief Installer (04) Battle Group Test/Training/Support Comptroller (01) Contracts (02) Financial Management / Contracting Support

The Navy’s Vision Sea Strike - The projection of offensive power. Naval Fires Network Integrates, Delivers ISR from National Space Systems as well as tactical/theater sensors n to the Warfighter for Precision Targeting National Space Systems provide Persistent ISR information Future National Security Space Systems can remove Bandwidth as a Communications Constraint Sea Shield - The projection of defensive power. Enabling Naval Ballistic Missile Defense & Theater Air & Missile Defense Linking National Security Space Sensors & Naval Networks New Remote Sensing Capabilities Marine Environment - Littoral Operations Surface Subsurface Sea Basing - The projection of sovereignty to team with and provide enhanced support for joint forces afloat and ashore. Transforming Naval Operations High Speed C3 Links Fires Support Rapid positioning Collaborative Planning Enable High Tempo Operations

FORCEnet Operational View Sea Power 21 – “Naval” Joint from Inception GIG-BE TCA NCES JTR Others Commercial Standards Spiral Development with Sea Trial Warrior Focused This is the Fn Operational View (OV-1 as per the Joint Architecture Framework). Fn is one of the four SEAPOWER 21 pillars and spans across Navy and USMC mission areas. Fn is Joint from Inception – Naval unique implementations are only by exception. Some key Joint drivers include the Global Information Grid – Bandwidth Expansion, Transformational Communications Architecture, DISA’s Network Centric Enterprise Services, the Joint Tactical Radio. The Fn Technical Architecture will consist of commercial standards with DoD standards only be exception. Sea Trial is key to the continued development of Fn CONOPS, Tactics, Training and Procedures and feeds the spiral development process. Human Centric Integration focuses Fn onto the warfighter.

FORCEnet Schedule = CNO Guidance 2003 SPAWAR Other SYSCOMs & Commands OPNAV Fleet Engagement CY 2003 C Completed CY 2003 Focus Areas 24 Apr: Assessment Team Identify Milestones 22 May: M&S and Cost Analysis Results 5 Jun: POM 06 Assessment Draft for Review by Stakeholders C C C 5 6 6 6 9 10 Assessment Wk of14 Apr: POM05 Data Link Assessment 8 May: Stakeholder Buy-in to Assessment Domain & Approach 3 Jun: FBE KILO Input to Fn 27 Jun: POM 06 Assessments to CNO 704B 30 Sep: IPD Execution Assessment 22 Oct: N6-N7 POM 06 Brief to CNO 5-7 May: NNWC Architecture Conference 1 Oct: Fn Master Plan V1.0 2 Apr: Fn GRA Vision V1.0 Architecture/ Standards C C C 5 6 10 1 May: Fn Architecture & Standards Preliminary Draft Document 15 May: Fn GRA Vision V1.1 15 Jun: Fn Architecture & Standards V1.0 8-11 Apr: Campaign Plan Build Conf 31 May: Campaign Plan Completed SPAWAR has four primary lead areas. Assessments, Architectures and Standards, the Campaign Plan, and Fielding Capability. This is a top level view for accomplished events and events to come We are collaborating with the other SYSCOMS and Command activities to ensure efforts are aligned and consistent. The events are integrated and support one another. The activities marked “C” are completed. I will now address the Architecture and Standards documents. Fn Government Reference Architecture (GRA) Vision – Provides an architectural vision for the further definition and implementation of FORCEnet. While it does not define specific FORCEnet standards or implementation requirements, it does define the architectural themes that will be central to the transformational aspects of the primary SEAPOWER 21 enabler. Has been distributed for review. Fn Architecture & Standards – Will articulate the FORCEnet architecture in 2012. It will provide technical standards to ensure FORCEnet compliance and will document the end-t-end FORCEnet architecture development process. Fn Master Plan – Will provide top level design and implementation guidance based on engineering analyses including Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), design studies, assessments of Program of Record Plans (PORs), detailed reviews of functional and performance requirements, and consistency with the above Fn Architecture and Standards Document. I will now address assessments, the Campaign Plan, and the fall Integrated Prototype Demonstration. C C 5 Campaign Plan Wk of 21 Apr: Brief Fn Leadership 4-8 Aug: Fn IPD Final Planning Conference 25-30 Sep: Fn IPD Execution 28 Apr – 9 May: Fn LOE 03-2 Quick Successes (Warfighting Capabilities) C C 6 8 9 9 22-23 Apr: Fn IPD Initial Planning Conference 17-18 Jun: Fn IPD Mid Planning Conference 3-10 Sep: IPD in JTFW Regional Test 2

Architectural Process Govt. Ref. Arch. Vision Version 1.0 – 02 Apr 03 Version 1.1 – 15 May 03 OPNAV & ASN(RDA) Review Distributed Services IP- Based Network Master Plan Version 1.0 – 1 Oct 03 Industry Review & Comment Architecture & Standards Version 1.0 – 1 May 03

Network Data Integration GFCP GCCS OTH-G UHF SATCOM (OTCIXS) C2P TADIL J JTIDS MUST JSWS GMTI/NATO EX UHF LOS GMTI JTT GALE SENSOREP UHF SATCOM Application Language HF LOS/L-BAND (Link 16) Transport Radio/Term Language IT-21 Application

Network Data Integration SHF 1 MIDS CDL SHF 2 WNW TC AEHF DL SIS Area 0 Mobile Qos Transport Radio/Term Services, not Platforms Separation of Interface from Implementation XML or Language Translation Protocol Neutral Language C4I Service C2 Link Service MTI Service SIGINT Service Service

Architectural Process Govt. Ref. Arch. Vision Version 1.0 – 02 Apr 03 Version 1.1 – 15 May 03 OPNAV & ASN(RDA) Review Distributed Services IP- Based Network Master Plan Version 1.0 – 1 Oct 03 Industry Review & Comment Architecture & Standards Version 1.0 – 1 May 03

JTF Connectivity Today: Based on Wireline Networking Principles Tier 3 - Mobile SATCOM / Microwave (Trunk Links) Tier 2 - Mobile LOS Network (Backbone Subnet Links) Tier 1 - Mobile Handheld (Subscriber Subnet Links) UAV Tier II+ G Air Force Area 0 Army Area 0 G Navy Area 0 G Sub ARG G BG ARG Marines Area 0

This is the way we will fight, this is the communications capability we want! Tier 3 - Mobile SATCOM / Microwave (Trunk Links) Tier 2 - Mobile LOS Network (Backbone Subnet Links) Tier 1 - Mobile Handheld (Subscriber Subnet Links) UAV Tier II+ G G G G BG OBJECTIVE

FORCEnet Challenges Multi-Level Security Information Assurance IP Quality of Service IP for Mobile Users Leverage Experimentation & Pilots Explore large scale integration approach

Agenda SPAWAR Review SeaPower 21 & FORCEnet FORCEnet and NMCI

HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION Tying it together Current Readiness Future Readiness INFRASTRUCTURE DECISION MAKING Knowledge Superiority HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION FORCEnet = IT-21 + Information Fusion + NMCI I’ve indicated that SPAWAR’s mission to enable knowledge superiority to the warfighter. Just what does that mean? Today, we are building the infrastructure necessary to support Knowledge Superiority. Ashore, that infrastructure takes the form of the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet. This $6.2 billion project will ultimately connect all Department of the Navy facilities and permit rapid, secure, information transfer, and universal internet access. At sea, SPAWAR is installing IT-21 capabilities on most fleet units to bring the same capability away from pierside. The combination of the two systems will provide universal access and information sharing across the entire department. As web access becomes more available, we will begin moving to a “Web enabled Navy”. The combination of these elements begins to move the Navy rapidly toward our true goal of Knowledge Superiority—integrated information—the right information, provided to the right person at the right time.

Getting from here to there Wide Enterprise Network (WEN)

NMCI & Tactical Networks Interface Wide Area Network Base Area Network NMCI/IT-21 Interface Metropolitan Area Network LAN BASE Long Haul (DISN, with Commercial as necessary) MC AIR STATION CLINIC NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE DoD TELEPORT LAN TRNG CEN HQ BASE NOC IMA FISC NCTAMS TRAINING CENTER USN/USMC LOGISTIC BASE NMCI to the pier Network Operations Center Deployed/ Mobile Units End-to-End Connectivity

NMCI will deliver to the Web-enabled Navy Embarkables Business and Operations Navy Marine Corps Intranet IT21 / Marine Corps Tactical Network Industry Partners Navy Learning Network Research Network Replicated Data Bases Per Mission Requirements “.edu” Extranet Defense Information System Network (DISN)/ Global Information Grid (GIG) SYSCOM Training Center Fleet & USMC Deployed Forces The Web Enabled Navy (WEN) will be a web-service based layer riding on top of existing C4ISR architectures and infrastructures including the NMCI, IT-21, the Defense Information System Network (DISN), and commercial services. Future growth on these infrastructures must take into account the change in Navy operational and business processes via the WEN. The web enabled framework is designed to ensure mobile, seamless operations for the business and operational process users, and provide support tools for users to access the services and data from any location. Central to the WEN philosophy is the ability to aggregate data from disparate enterprise-wide knowledge bases into information specific to the user's needs. There are several characteristics of the WEN that will ensure this: De-coupling of the databases from specific applications required for accessing the databases. Emerging commercial standards for Web languages will be used to ensure data are “self-describing” and not specific to a database. Consolidation of “like” databases to create an authoritative “Single Source” of data. These authoritative databases would be updated by authorized personnel in real-time, near real-time, as changes occur allowing databases to subsequently access each other as changes are made. These authoritative databases could be located either ashore or afloat depending upon operational and business process requirements. Database replication for redundancy, load balancing and network protection. This is a key component to ensure that afloat users with bandwidth limitations can readily access the data they need. Existing alongside the Naval Computer Telecommunication Area Master Station (NCTAMS) teleport sites would be data warehouses (which will be referred to as data centers) where replicated or mirrored databases would be maintained. Common user access between afloat and ashore via a single user portal. A portal is defined as a reconfigurable web based user interface to access information. These capabilities include intelligent information search capability, video teleconferencing, cross-collaborative planning/training efforts, database access (personnel, medical, meteorological, etc.) and specific business and operational service requirements. Pier Connections HQ TELEPORT Network Operations Center (DISN Interface) Clinic Common User Access Between Afloat and Shore Authoritative Data Centers

CNO’s Philosophy “I want everyone here in industry to remember that Vern Clark said here today that we are never ever building another capability that doesn't fit into a FORCENet architecture for the future that ensures everybody is netted and connected. That is the future.” Admiral Vern Clark Sea Air Space Exposition Washington, D.C. April 17, 2003


Building C4I Joint Team Service/Agency J6 J8/JI&I J9 JFCOM Navy DRAFT J6 J8/JI&I J9 JFCOM Navy Air Force Army USMC DISA PEO Interchange, GCCS FoS PM-CESG FIOP MSMT Joint TADIL WG Joint GMTI Steering Group, etc etc * Flag-level Executive Steering Group, integrate/transform JCIG, PEO Interchange, etc COE/NCES AOG and CRCB Services Title X Train, Organize, and Equip JBMC2 “Board” Role/Process in definition (MID 912) JVCS ESG* Consultant to JBMC2 Board on C4I Acquisition C4I Collaborative Integration Consultant Services include: - System-of-systems arch - Common components - Software, comms, etc - Synchronized fielding - Interop improvements - Coordinated roadmaps OSD Oversight Service/Agency - Requirements - Operational Problems - Systems Eng Process - FIOP Coord