לומדים בחברותא
What do you know about חברותא study? Think-Pair-Share Write down something you know about חברותא study. It can be from experience or just something you know about it. Turn to a person sitting near you and share your ideas with him or her. Be prepared to share together as a class.
חברותא in 5 th Grade When-Why-How We will study in חברותא during חומש times and sometimes other learning times as well You will be paired with someone who learns at a similar pace and style as you do. Your job is to guide each other through your learning with study guides as helpers Let’s figure out how to do this…
Active Listening What does it look like and sound like to be an active listener? How could you actively show that you are listening with what you say? Write down some sentences that we could say that would show we are actively listening. How is your body active or how would you sit? ***Write your ideas on a sticky note and paste in on the “Active Listening” or non “Non-Active Listening” sides of the poster*** ngChart2010.pdf
Act it Out… With a partner or in חברותא choose an idea from “Active Listening” or “Non-Active Listening” to act out for the class. Be specific in your words and actions
Let’s Study! You will receive a piece of text to study together with your חברותא. Read through the text and answer the questions. Make sure your are being an active listener. work sheet
Debrief If you are good at active listening, how can that skill help you to be successful this year as a student and as a friend? How can that skill help you in group work? How can that skill help you in havruta text study? We are going to be working on this practice the whole year and reflecting on how we are doing with active listening.