Singular and Plural Nouns
A singular noun names a person, place or thing. A noun that names more than one person, place, or thing is plural. Form the plural of most singular nouns by adding s example apple, apples Form plural nouns for words ending in s, ss, x, ch, or sh by adding es example ash, ashes Form plural nouns ending with a vowel and y by adding s example alley, alleys Form the plural of nouns ending with a consonant and y by changing the y to I and adding es example city, cities
Change the following to Plural Cherry Day School Cat Rock Peach Tax Brush Class party
Irregular Nouns Nouns ending in f or fe, change the f to v and add es Leaf, leaves Life, lives Nouns ending in a vowel and o, add s Video, videos Radio, radios For nouns ending in a consonant and o, add s to some nouns, and es to others Piano, pianos Hero, heroes Some nouns have special forms that do not end in s Foot, feet Woman, women Some nouns stay the same for bothe singular and plural Deer, deer Sheep, sheep