POLAND AND ITS APPROACH TO BRING ITS AGRICULTURAL UP TO THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS IN FOOD SAFETY Agnieszka Wierzbicka Warsaw, Poland, 2006 Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices May, Sofia, Bulgaria
Introduction Different existing law regulations in Poland caused many changes in food law due to make high standards in food safety which allow for concurrency on the EU markets. Poland put in to life EU regulations in food law due to gave quality assurance in Poland and on the EU market as well as other markets like Russia, Bulgaria, USA etc. Poland changed or laying down 132 regulations. Poland laying down GLP, GHP, GMP, HACCP systems.
Systems and Organizations Responsible for Food Safety System Poland took decision in 2001 to build up food safety system by: Rapid Alarm System for Food and Feed RASFF, Food Safety Authority - an independent scientific point of reference in risk assessment, reference laboratories, networking of quality checking laboratories, networking of laboratories regional and interregional level,
Rapid Alarm System for Food and Feed (RASFF) RASFF laying down: 57 regulations ensuring Food Safety System; regulations on all stages of the production, processing and distribution of food, and also of feed produced for, or fed to, food-producing animals; the principles and requirements of food law; procedures in matters of food safety; health and label requirements.
Rearrangement of Polish food control authority Poland took decision to focus on the 4 control authority: sanitary, veterinary, trade and quality inspections. Poland because of being on the border of EU had to establish or make stronger boarder control inspections (sanitary and veterinary).
Polish qualification of Food Producers A category - food producers fully fill up the EU regulations, B category - food producers which are in progress of preparing in to EU regulations, C category - food producers which can produce only on the domestic market,
The Polish Food Quality Checking System Poland build up networking of quality checking laboratories (19) and reference laboratories (3), Poland adopted existing networking of laboratories of excellence, at regional and interregional level, with the aim of ensuring continuous monitoring of food safety, playing an important role in the prevention of potential health risks for citizens.
Main EU Regulations Adopted in Poland for Food Safety (EC) No 178/200, (EC) 1605/2002, (EC) No 1642/2003, laying down matters of food safety, the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures; (EC) No 852/2004 laying down the hygiene of foodstuffs; (EC) No 853/2004 laying down specific rules on the hygiene of food of animal origin for food business operators; (EC) No 854/2004 laying down specific rules for the organization of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption.
Main EU Regulations Adopted in Poland for Food Safety (EC) No 882/2004 laying down official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animals welfare rules. Directive 2004/41/EC repealing certain directives concerning food hygiene and health conditions for the production and placing on the market of certain products of animal origin intended for human consumption. (EC) No 1774/2002 laying down heath rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption.
Prime Minister Minister of Agricultural Minister of Health Main Assig. of State Plant Health and Seed Insp. Service Voivodeship Plant Inspection Regional Plant Inspectors Polish Food Safety Authority Main Sanitary Inspection Main Commercial Inspection Regional contact points Voivodeship Sanitary Inspection Country Sanitary Inspection Voivodeship Commercial Inspection Country Commercial Inspection Main Veterinary Inspection Voivodeship Veterinary Inspection Country Sanitary Inspection Frontier Seaport Sanitary- Epidemiological Station Frontier Sanitary Inspection
Main Inspectorate Department of Crops Protection Phytosanitary Supervision Division Seed Material Supervision Division Sells and application of plant protection products Integrated production Checking of plant protection effectiveness Phytosanitary checks Import Internal production Seed systems OECD List of plants Ecological farming Phytosanitary checks of seeds
Main Assignments of State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service The frame of supervision of plant health The frame of the supervision on use and marketing of plant protection products The frame of the supervision on producing, estimation and marketing of seed material
The frame of supervision of plant health 1.Phytosanitary checks of plant, plant products; 2.Estimation of the state of risk; 3.Issuing of decisions on control of harmful organisms; 4.Establishment and improvement of methods and timings of harmful organisms’ control, 5.Issuing of phytosanitary certificates, plant passports and supervision on units authorized passports; 6.Checks of treatments of cleaning, disinfections and processing of plants, plant products and objects; 6.Notifying of plant protection services of origin’s countries about destroying of plants; 8.Supervision of import, movement and research with the use of quarantine pests, plants, plant products and objects infested by quarantine pests, or those that do not meet a special quarantine requirements, as well as of those plant, plant products and objects, whose introduction on the territory of Poland and movement within is prohibited; 9.Maintaining of producers’ register; 10.Issuing of certificates for producers using integrated plant production; 11.Laboratory testing of plant, plant products and objects; 12.Issuing of decisions on conducting with plant, plant products and objects subject to border phytosanitary checks.
The frame of the supervision on use and marketing of plant protection products 1.Issuing of permission and control of subjects dealing with re-packing and marketing plant protection products, 2.Control of the quality of plant protection products allowed for marketing, 3.Control of proper use of plant protection products, 2.Authorization of organization units for checking of sprayers used for application of plant protection products, as well as supervision on conducting of those checks and technical state of the equipment, 5. Authorization of organizational unit for conducting of trainings and supervision on those trainings, 6.Control of organizational unit authorized for conducting of testing of plant protection products efficacy, 7. Monitoring of plant protection products usage.
The frame of the supervision on producing, estimation and marketing of seed material 1.Field, laboratory, and external features estimation of seed material; 2.Control of identity of seed material; 3.Control of observing of rules and requirements in the scope of producing, estimation, storage of seed material, including genetically modified; 4.Issuing of accreditation in the scope of sampling and estimation of seed material, as well as control of their observing; 5.Issuing of official labels and seals, as well as supervision of units for labels’ filling; 5.Control of seed material imported from third countries and establishment of its certification grades; 5.Conducting of seed material’ estimation in a case of complaints from an estimation done by accredited subjects; 8.Maintaining register of producer engaged in marketing of seed material and register supplier of nursery material, propagating material or planting material of vegetable and ornamental plants; 9.Maintaining data base of ecological seed material; 10.Maintaining register of the seed multiplication’s agreements in the third country register
New Control System of Plant Plants Quarantine Forbidden goods Special requirements Protected area Registration Procedure Plant passports Phytosanitary checks of plant Potato sales
Main Veterinary Inspectorate Department of hygiene animal origin products Department of trade animal origin products Department of animal health protection and animal identification RASFF system List of meat plant production Production control Distribution control Certificates Laboratories Control Animal identification Animal dieses control Laboratory diagnosis Farming control
Main Veterinary Inspectorate System TRACES (TRAde Control and Expert System) CELAB integrated informatics system of management lab results. Requirements for Veterinary Inspection from the 29 of January 2004 (Dz. U. from the 2 March 2004).
Communicable Diseases Control Main Sanitary Inspection control Nutrition and Daily Use Objects Hygiene Environmental Hygiene Health Promotion and Health Education Legal and Organizational Matters Main Sanitary Inspection Duties
Main Commercial Inspection Laboratory Food Quality Control Catering Control Trade Control of Food Product Main Commercial Inspection Duties
Task of Food Quality Control and Safety Assurance The free movement of safe and wholesome food is an essential aspect of the internal market and contributes significantly to the health and well-being of citizens, and to their social and economic interests. A high level of protection of human life and health should be assured in the pursuit of Community policies. The free movement of food and feed can be achieved only if food and feed safety requirements do not differ significantly from Member State to Member State.
Task of Food Quality Control and Safety Assurance Give a high level of health protection. Give a high level of insurance for consumers. Adopt measures aimed at guaranteeing that unsafe food is not placed on the market and at ensuring that systems exist to identify and respond to food safety problems in order to ensure the proper functioning. Give a high level of insurance for international trading partners and trade organizations.
Traceability of Foodstuff of Animal Origin
Livestock slaughterhouse Caracas boning Case ready production Distribution/ Transport Retail Trace back Paddock of place traceability Trace forward Traceability of foodstuff of animal origin Rapid Alarm System for Food and Feed (RASFF) 57 regulations laying down ISO 9000: 2000 ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9004 ISO 22000:2005 Livestock production
Primary production Storage Case ready production Distribution/ Transport Retail Trace back Paddock of place traceability Trace forward Traceability of foodstuff of plant origin ISO 9000: 2000 ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9004 ISO 22000:2005 Rapid Alarm System for Food and Feed (RASFF) 57 regulations laying down National Phytosanitary regulations
National’s Product Traceability Process Problem Discovery Customer Find cause of problem Find responsible process step Determine extent of problem Informed affected customers Identify affected customers Determine affected shipments Identify: Date code, Lot numbers, etc. Backward traceability Forward traceability
National’s Product Traceability Process Problem Discovery Customer Find cause of problem Find responsible process step Determine extent of problem Informed affected customers Identify affected customers Determine affected shipments Identify: Date code, Lot numbers, etc. Backward traceability Forward traceability
Main tasks of Food Safety Assurance System Food shall not be placed on the market if it is unsafe. Unsafe Food has to be taken from the market immediately.
Thank you for your attention.