Explain why we need prayer? Katy Kwan April teng Helen Peng Hilda Liang
One of the three pillars of Lenten Practice “vital and personal relationship with the true and living God.” The strength that we fast during Lent Spiritual way to express other than fasting Remembrance of God What is Lenten prayer?
Remember our brothers and sisters all around the world Develop a closer relationship with God Remember the Death of our Lord (Jesus) Not just plain word, with our hearts and minds Importance of Lenten Prayer Lent is a time to be renewed in Prayer.
First Four Days – grateful about Ash Wednesday Week 1 – spirit and God Week 2 – darkness and struggles Week 3 - protecting us from evil with love Week 4 - creation Week 5 – LOVE of all Holy Week – toward God and Jesus What type of prayer?
Examples of prayer