Working Group: Roles, Responsibilities, and Capacity Building and Guidance Needs of Public Interest Groups
The role of non profit Env and CSO in GHS Capacity Building and Implementation
What should be the main sections of the guidance document Introduction: –What is GHS –At what stage of dev is it Internationally / Nationally / Locally? –Doc to recognize that there is not homogeneity bet CSO, ref doc, NGO’s to pick & choose invol, sustainable millenium –Capacity is different bet. Orgs –Role of GHS in sustainable dev. paradigm
1. Why should CSO’s be involved & list of likely CSO orgs that can be involved Ref to doc produced by previous CSO working gp –How GHS can fit ‘buy in” into their current activities and how it will help them achieve their goals –Health and safety section (what is a chem. exposure etc.) –Benefits for being involved –Ensuring human rights
How can CSO’s become involved Umbrella orgs (lead activity?) Grassroots Step by step guide on how small gps can be involved How to contact involved agencies (Industry, Govt, UNITAR) Mobilizing activity
How can CSO’s contribute Labeling & other mat dev. (comprehensibility) –(pilot draft labels produced by industry) How to influence/contribute to implementation (flexibility of contribution – content; language; pictograms i.e. what is fixed/flexible) Enforcement & monitoring Awareness Policy & leg dev. E.g’s from Developed & Less Developed countries
Through what mechanisms can CSO’s contribute Partnerships bet govt & industry Activism/lobbying Representation on GHS committees Outreach (existing partnerships) Legislation dev/policy dev Right to know
Obstacles to being involved & how to overcome these Table of obstacles & solutions
Increasing capacity for involvement Fund raising Proposal writing Partnerships –Tap into existing labour and industry –Responsible care initiatives Ask training on GHS How to access training material Part local committees for GHS implementation Lobby for their invol
Structure & Format of Doc Simple accessible language/non technical Boxes highlighting points Pictures Glossary Ref & web links Eg’s org NGO’s already invol with GHS Eg’s and pictures of chemical issues Annexes with more detail??