DIGITAL MEDIA – Content creation for “interactive” screen Project Project name JURY Presentation
Project : Name of project Name of advertiser: List here the names of the points of sale… Type of points of sale equipped: GSA, Pharmacy, Restaurant, Ready to wear fashion… List the types of point of sale equipped… Number of sites installed: List here the number of sites for which the content has been deployed… Interactive content format: Animation (swf), video (mpg, avi...), 3D, html or exe … Specify if contains sound or not Display technology for content distribution : List the display technology used (LCD screen, touch tablets, plasma, video-projection, terminology, 3D …) and their size … Length in POP advertising: DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation
Scenario objectives : What is your clients communications strategy? List project objectives: For example : sales increase, increase in traffic, image, reputation, managing expectation times, promotion of the brand etc… Attention : 640 characters maximum including spaces Font : Tahoma 20 point bold Project : Name of project DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation
Creative constraints: List here the constraints of the project: For example: re-use of existing messages (tv spots, web, mannequin photos, creative technology, languages…) Attention : 640 characters maximum including spaces Font : Tahoma 20 point bold Project : Name of project DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation
Editorial line of content: How are the content organised? For example: Information, Brand advertising, Product advertising, Price Information, Corporate Information, Entertainment, Promotion… Attention : 640 characters maximum including spaces Font : Tahoma 20 point bold Project : Name of project DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation
Photo 3 Photo 1 Photo 5 Photo 2 Photo 4 5 photos maximum ! Types of content Project : Name of project DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation
Send a link to Lindsay JOACHIM Under no circumstances should the company name appear on the film. Project : Name of project DIGITAL MEDIA - Content creation JURY Presentation