Introduction to the Student Record Collection Introduction to the Student Record Collection Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to the Student Record Collection Introduction to the Student Record Collection Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Agenda What is SRCWhat is SRC Reporting RulesReporting Rules ScenariosScenarios ReportsReports Due DatesDue Dates ResourcesResources SRC questions & answersSRC questions & answers

What is a Student Record Collection? Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Collect and Submit Data To comply with the information and reporting requirements for adequate yearly progress, report cards, and other federal reporting requirements, the Student Record Collection System was implemented to consolidate and promote efficiency in processing multiple data collections.

Collect and Submit Data The current SRC is comprised of 85 elementsThe current SRC is comprised of 85 elements Some elements have been retired, not all are required on each submissionSome elements have been retired, not all are required on each submission If retired, optional, or not required, a tab character must be includedIf retired, optional, or not required, a tab character must be included

File Layout

File Layout (con’t)

Reporting Rules Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Who should be included? Every student who depends on a public school division in Virginia for a free appropriate public education must be included in each student record collection. This includes all full-time and part-time students served in the division’s schools as well as those the division has helped place in other public and private schools/centers regardless of how the placements are funded.

SRC’s “Golden Rule” One record per student per school per record collection EXCEPT when Grade Level Code, Kindergarten Half Day Flag, GED Program Code, Tuition Paid Code, Non-public Student FTE, or Primary Disability Code changes while still attending the same school. In these cases, a student MAY have more than one record per school per record collection.

How many records can a student have? If a student has more than one record, only one record can be Active.

Multiple Records in the Same School Scenario 1 For unknown reasons, Paul, a second grader at Petsworth Elementary in Gloucester (036/0270), was struggling in school. In January, his mother decided to home school him. Since Paul needs extra help in Language Arts, he returns to school each day for 1 hour when his class is covering language arts. SPR (record 1) –Responsible Div = 36, Responsible Sch = 0270 –Serving Div = 36, Serving Sch = 0270 –Active Status Code = I –Aggregate Days Present/Absent = 70/20 –Non-Public FTE is blank SPR (record 2) –Responsible Div = 36, Responsible Sch = 0270 –Serving Div = 36, Serving Sch = 0270 –Active Status Code = A –Aggregate Days Present/Absent = 35/0 –Non-Public FTE = 25

Multiple Records in the Same School Scenario 2 Roger attended the half day kindergarten program at Williams Elementary in Virginia Beach (128/0470). In December, his parents thought he needed a more structured day, so they moved him into the full day kindergarten program in the same school. SPR (record 1) –Responsible Div = 128, Responsible Sch = 0470 –Serving Div = 128, Serving Sch = 0470 –Active Status Code = I –Kindergarten Half Day Flag = Y –Aggregate Days Present/Absent = 65/0 SPR (record 2) –Responsible Div = 128, Responsible Sch = 0470 –Serving Div = 128, Serving Sch = 0470 –Active Status Code = A –Kindergarten Half Day Flag = N –Aggregate Days Present/Absent = 60/0

Local & Regional Centers On the RadarOn the Radar –Governor’s Schools –Local Alternative Ed Centers –Regional Special Education –Regional CTE Centers –STEM Academies Must be reported by the responsible divisionMust be reported by the responsible division

Local & Regional Centers If a student is served outside of his/her Responsible SchoolIf a student is served outside of his/her Responsible School –Serving Division and School must reflect appropriate center –Tuition Code is necessary if Serving Division is not in your LEA –If the Serving Division is an LEA, the Serving Division reports the student otherwise Responsible

Membership Scenarios This student resides in Albemarle County (002/930) and is attending Piedmont Regional Ed/Ivy Creek (286/10), a regional special education center. Albemarle reports the following: STI = –Responsible Division = 002, Responsible School = 930 –Serving Division = 286, Serving School = 10 –Active Status Code = A –Tuition Paid Code = 04 (paid to a Regional Center)

Membership Scenarios This student resides in Chesterfield County (021/0020) and attends an in-state private school (600/8000), placed there through special education placement and funded through CSA. Tuition is paid to the private school. Chesterfield County reports the following: STI = –Responsible Division = 021, Responsible School = 0020 –Serving Division = 600, Serving School = 8000 –Active Status Code = A –Tuition Paid Code = 07 (funded by CSA)

Reporting Rule Every non-graduating Active Student on the EOY SRC will need to have a record on the following Fall SRCEvery non-graduating Active Student on the EOY SRC will need to have a record on the following Fall SRC –Active, full time, K – 12, excludes EOY graduates and Summer grads Record on the Fall may be Active Status Code A, I or NRecord on the Fall may be Active Status Code A, I or N

Membership Scenarios Peter finishes second grade at Union Elementary (99/270) in Jefferson County. His family moves to another part of the county over the summer and he returns in September for third grade at Riverdale Elementary (99/370). Jefferson County reports the following: EOY SRC STI = –Serving Div = 99, Serving Sch = 0270 –Active Status Code = A –Grade = 02 Fall SRC STI = –Serving Div = 99, Serving Sch = 0370 –Active Status Code = A –Grade = 03

Membership Scenarios Carol completes 9 th grade at Battlefield High School (75/290) in Prince William County. During the summer she enrolls at Annapolis High School (an out of state school). She does not return to Battlefield HS in the Fall. Prince William reports the following: EOY SRC STI = –Serving Div = 75, Serving Sch = 0290 –Active Status Code = A –Grade = 09 Fall SRC STI = –Serving Div = 75, Serving Sch = 0290 –Active Status Code = N (not enrolled) –Grade = 10 –Exit/Withdraw Code = W507

Membership Scenarios Thelma is retained in the 8 th grade at Pebble Middle School (99/1130) in Jefferson County. She begins on the first day of school and attends for 10 days, then is given a 30 day suspension for verbal assault. Jefferson County reports the following: EOY SRC STI = –Serving Div = 99, Serving Sch = 1130 –Active Status Code = A –Grade = 08 –Retention Flag = Y Fall SRC STI = –Serving Div = 99, Serving Sch = 1130 –Active Status Code = I –Grade = 08 –Exit/Withdraw Code = W961

SRC Reports Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Fall Reports Fall SRC VerificationFall SRC Verification Fall Financial VerificationFall Financial Verification Preliminary Report of Dropout and Graduation IndicatorPreliminary Report of Dropout and Graduation Indicator Fall NAEP ReportFall NAEP Report VHSLVHSL

Spring Report Spring SRC Verification ReportSpring SRC Verification Report Spring Financial Verification ReportSpring Financial Verification Report CTERSCTERS VHSLVHSL

End-of-Year Reports SRC EOY VerificationSRC EOY Verification EOY Financial VerificationEOY Financial Verification Preliminary Graduate ReportPreliminary Graduate Report CTE Completer Demographics ReportCTE Completer Demographics Report EOY Teaching Days and Teaching Hours Verification ReportEOY Teaching Days and Teaching Hours Verification Report

Summer Report Final Term Graduate Report Includes data from the Preliminary Term Graduate Report in addition to students who earned their diplomas during summer school Summer Verification Report Provides Division Level Summary of Summer Term Average Daily Class Attendance

Due Dates Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Fall SRC File Submission Type = 1File Submission Type = 1 DataType = STUDENT_FALLDataType = STUDENT_FALL Data as of: October 1Data as of: October 1 –except as noted in element definitions Due date: October 15 thDue date: October 15 th

Spring SRC File Submission Type = 2File Submission Type = 2 DataType = STUDENT_SPRDataType = STUDENT_SPR Data as of: March 31Data as of: March 31 –except as noted in element definitions Due date: April 15thDue date: April 15th –Due date established by Office of Budget at the DOE. EIM can not extend this deadline.

End-of-Year SRC File Submission Type = 3File Submission Type = 3 DataType = STUDENT_EOYDataType = STUDENT_EOY Data as of: the last day of schoolData as of: the last day of school –except as noted in element definitions Due date: July 15 stDue date: July 15 st

Summer SRC File Submission Type = 4File Submission Type = 4 DataType = STUDENT_SUMDataType = STUDENT_SUM Data: only graduates who earned a diploma during summer schoolData: only graduates who earned a diploma during summer school Due date: August 31 stDue date: August 31 st

SRC PreSubmission Application Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Features Error check ANY Student Record Collection file including EIMS submissionsError check ANY Student Record Collection file including EIMS submissions Errors presented in HTML and EXCEL formatsErrors presented in HTML and EXCEL formats Summary format OR Detail formatSummary format OR Detail format No verification reportsNo verification reports

“A” Record Samples PreSub Fall for DOEPreSub Fall for DOE Fall SubmissionFall Submission PreSub for EIMS Submission

Resources Virginia Department of Education Office of Educational Information Management

Contacts for Data Collections Region 1 – Shannon Lacy(804) Region 2 – Vickie McCrary(804) Region 3 – Shannon Lacy(804) Region 4 – Cathy Zachmeyer(804) Region 5 – Shannon Lacy(804) Region 6 – Vickie McCrary(804) Region 7 – Vickie McCrary(804) Region 8 – Cathy Zachmeyer(804)

General Contact Information General Phone: (804) option 4General Phone: (804) option 4 Fax: (804) Fax: (804) SRC Website: lications/student-coll/new_coll.htmlSRC Website: lications/student-coll/new_coll.html lications/student-coll/new_coll.html lications/student-coll/new_coll.html
