Water Scarcity in Libya


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Presentation transcript:

Water Scarcity in Libya Adam Niznik

About Libya About 95 percent of the country is desert. Only 1.2 percent of the total area of the country is cultivable. About 93 percent of the land surface receives less than 100 mm of rain per year.

Libya Needs Water Libya is fifth on the list of the most water scarce countries on Earth.

Where do they get their water? Nearly all of Libya’s water is fossil water, or groundwater that has remained sealed in an aquifer for a long period of time.

Why is it called Fossil Water? Fossil Water rests underground in "fossil aquifers" for thousands or even millions of years, just like a fossil.

Nubian Sandstone Aquifer Libya’s source of fossil water comes from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, one of the most notable fossil water reserves

Why doesn’t Libya have water? Libya has an increasing demand for fresh water, while fossil groundwater supply is limited. This situation of water supply has become more problematic with rapidly increasing population and low rainfall.

Effects of Water Scarcity Only very certain areas of the country are cultivable, approximately 1.2 percent, so Libyans can only live in the areas on top of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer to farm and get their water.

Solutions to Water Scarcity Libya can review agricultural water policies in order to minimize some local deficits in water resources and to avoid a deterioration in water quality in the coastal areas.

Solutions Contd. Multiple desalination plants have been constructed, however, restrictions have been imposed by the high cost of energy and spare parts and they are mainly used for industrial purposes. If some of the plants are converted to be for the common citizens of Libya, the scarcity would be decreased some.

Sources http://www.springerlink.com/content/b1qv0273kt42p4l6/ http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries_regions/l ibya/index.stm http://growingblue.com/case-studies/the-nubian- sandstone-aquifer/

Mauritania's Water Crisis By:Maya McCrum

Problems in Mauritania Mauritania's water crisis is growing rapidly.From 2009-2011 it has more then doubled. According to IRIN news without goverment help by suppling a pump or a desalination plant the taps are soon going to be drying up. (Mauritania Water Crisis)

Problems in Mauritania (Continued) And with the lake they used to get a majority of their water from rapidly drying up Mauritania needs help, fast. Now with a population increase more people need water, Water that is not there. Also any rain that does fall the ground absorbs due to the drought.

Effects of Water Scarcity Agriculture can not be grow making money scare in families. Can lead to diseases when water is taken from contaminated areas.

Effects of Water Scarcity (Cont.) The food that is able to be produced are mostly conatiminated. They are conataimed because of the water they use is.

Solutions to the Water Crisis Mauritania hopes to get something to purify the unclean water. With a 400 km coastline borders major areas in Mauritania making desalination a option.

Solutions to the Water Crisis (cont.) The only problem with a desalnation plant would be the energy used would be prohibited. According to Science America this would be the best option for them.

Work Cited scienceamerica.net irinnew.net www.thewaterproject.org

Water Scarcity in Sudan By Jacob Ondish

Sudan Without Water 12.3 million people do not have access to clean water There little rainfall 3 out 4 of the population does not have clean water

Causes of Water Scarcity The causes of water scarcity in Sudan is little rainfall. Though in the southwest of Sudan there is tropical rainforests that rain frequently. But this region is not habitable do to wild animals. The region of Sudan that is mainly inhabited is the northern Darfur and Northern states which is northwest on the map of Sudan. Since this region holds most of the population moving them towards a body of water cis out of the question, also is desalination.

Effects of Water Scarcity In Sudan, 2% of the water they get can be used for domestic use. Since there was no water, desertification is a big problem.

Solution to water Scarcity in Sudan Sudan's national solution to water scarcity is irrigation and Rainwater Harvesting {RWH}. They have considered desalination but have come to that they cannot afford it For the most part Sudan is a landlocked country so their only main source of water is irrigation But the body of water they are connected to is the red sea

What is Irrigation Irrigation is the process by which any artificial way of getting water is brought by that way. For Example: Wells, Rivers, Lakes, and Reservoirs The only way Sudan can use irrigation is to irrigate wells and rivers. The main river that runs through Sudan [and most of Africa] is the Nile River.