JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 JERICO PROJECT The contract management Overview By Dominique Guéguen / Ifremer
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Tables of content 1.Milestones 2.Project funding 3.The project management 4.Pre-financing 5.Further payments 6.Project reporting 7.Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Contract period : 01/05/ /04/2015 (48 months) Reporting periods : P1 : 01/05/ /10/2012 (18 months) P2 : 01/11/ /04/2014 (18 months) P3 : 01/05/ /04/2015 (12 months) Intermediate reports : One internal report 9 months after the beginning of the contract (31/01/2012), and one report at mid-term stage of the project (30/04/2013), with scientific and financial review to follow the progress of the WP and Tasks. 1. Milestones
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 COORDINATOR Partner 1Partner 2Partner N EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2. Project funding (1)
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Budget allocated = euros UE maximum contribution = euros The details of the financial contribution of EC per activity and by beneficiary is presented in the annex 1 « DOW » of the grant agreement, in a table of the estimated breakdown of budget and financial contribution of EC (page 6). 2. Project funding (2)
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May The project management Responsibilities of the coordinator : Ensuring the overall coordination of the project and its financial management, Supervising the activities carried out by the other beneficiaries, Taking the entire responsability of the project towards the EC scientific officer. Therefore, the coordinator is responsible : For the submission of reports (scientific and financial) of all the beneficiaries in the contract, For the distribution of the Community financial contribution to all the other beneficiaries.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Pre-financing (1) One pre-financing : 55 % of the total EC contribution to the project have been transferred to the coordinator. Amount received by Ifremer = euros Corresponding to pre-financing of euros and deduction of 5% of the EC grant transferred directly by EC to the guarantee fund and kept aside up to the end of the project. Ifremer will also deduct from this amount, the part of the EC contribution for the costs of the support activity (access costs of WP 7 and 8), for the beneficiaries contributing to this activity. The part of the pre-financing corresponding to access costs, will be paid : - after the return of the questionnaire to the coordinator for WP7, - after the internal calls according to the infrastructures chosen by the selection committee, for WP8. Two votes (for WP7 and WP8) will be proposed at the end of this morning to approve this procedure.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Pre-financing (2) The coordinator will distribute the pre-financing only to those beneficiaries : Who have signed and returned to the coordinator the Form A of the grant agreement, Who have filled and returned to the coordinator the financial identification’s form corresponding to their bank account details. Each beneficiary will receive the table explaining the calculation of the pre-financing and deduction of the access costs.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Further payments Interim payments : Transferred by EC after evaluation and approval of submitted periodic reports (max.105 days from the end of the period) Calculated on the basis of declared costs and on reimboursement rates 10% of EC total Grant withheld until the approval of final report Final payment : After approval of final reports. Difference between total EC contribution and amounts already paid + reimbursement of 5% contribution to the guarantee fund.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (1) Partner 2Partner 3Partner N 2- Templates & Form C Filled out 3 - Transmission to Revised & approved reports 1- Templates & Form C COORDINATOR Project officer in Brussels
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (2) Activity/financial reporting is a main contractual duty for all FP7 Reports include : Periodic reports delivered to the EC 60 days after the end of each reporting period (12 or 18 months), One final report at the end of the project, and on request, short progress reports within the main reporting periods. A Certificate on Financial Statements (CFS) is mandatory for every claim (interim or final) in the form of reimbursement of costs, when the accumulated amount of requested funding is equal or superior to €.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (3) Front page by Coordinator Declaration project coordinatorby Coordinator 1. Publishable summaryby Coordinator + WP leaders Scientific work progress 2. Project objectives of the periodby Coordinator + WP leaders 3. Work progress, during period (WP)by Coordinator + WP leaders 4. WPs deliverables & milestones tablesby Coordinator + WP leader Management & financial issues 5. Project managementby Coordinator + Partners 6. Explanation of the use of the ressourcesby each partner 7. Financial statements (Forms C) Summary financial report table by each partner by Coordinator Using internet tools NEF or FORCE/ECAS 8. Certificates on Financial statement List of certificates by each partner by Coordinator Reporting : who does what ?
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (4) Reporting : which documents ? FORM C for combination of Collaborative Project & Coordination and Support Action (CP & CSA) declined the costs by activity (RTD, coordination, support, management). Two templates from the coordinator to comply with EC requirements about reporting, based on tables presented on the project reporting EC guide : -one for explanation of use of resources by each beneficiary for the period with work package reference, -one for the details costs per beneficiary and per WP. Two useful Guidelines in Cordis website : Financial issues : Project reporting :
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (5) Template of form C :
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (6) Template for explanation of use of resources :
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Project reporting (7) Template for details costs :
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Milestones Project funding The project management Pre-financing Further payments Project reporting Costs
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May Costs Eligible costs : Actual costs : they must be real, not estimated and incurred during the duration of the project, They have to be presented in euros on Form C, Durable equipement : only portion of the equipment used on the project may be charged, they must be purchased for the purpose of the contract and depreciated (with each partner’s usual accounting practice) in each relevant periodic report. Indirect costs : They are calculated in accordance with the method chosen by each partner, For RTD: calculated in accordance with the method chosen by each partner, For Coordination : the reimbursement is limited to a maximum of 7% of the direct eligible costs, excepted subcontracting, For Support : they are included in the unit cost, For management : calculated in accordance with the method chosen by each partner. Financial Contribution by activity : RTD : 75% of the total costs, CSA : 100% with the Indirect costs limited to 7% of eligible costs, Management : 100% of the total costs.
JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Thank you for your attention