FCP130 Fermi CMS Pixel Test Chip Davide Braga on behalf of: D. Christian, G. Deptuch, F. Fahim, J. Hoff, A. Shenai, M. Trimpl, T. Zimmerman
Outline FCP130 at a glance Motivations Synchronous ADC concept Pixel architecture Preamplifier ADC comparator Simulation results Corners and mismatch Pixel digital functionality Data Readout Layout Top level assembly and design methodology Summary and future developments Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
FCP130 at a glance GF 130nm 1.5V CMOS Pixel size: 100 x 30 μm2 ASIC size: 8.5 x 5.5 mm2 (48 x 160 pixel matrix) 4.8 x 4.8 mm2 active Each pixels contains: Charge-sensitive preamplifier with leakage current compensation Synchronous 3bit flash ADC with 8 auto-zeroed comparators (also a different design with a 3bit SAR ADC implemented in part of the matrix) Thermometric and priority encoder High-speed asynchronous data-driven readout Expected analog power: 24 μW/pixel ENC: 42e- @ Cdet=30fF Submitted in September 2014, shipped last week. Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Motivations Allow progress with sensor development FRONT-END: validate design for Phase-II Pixel (RD53 specifications) with: Synchronous front-end Low-power unidirectional preamplifier and comparator Novel leakage current compensation scheme Novel comparator BACK-END: demonstrate novel asynchronous, data-driven readout scheme developed at Fermilab (Conflux) Parameter RD53 Target Specification Pixel area 2500 μm2 Noise 150 e- @ 100 fF Sensor thickness polarity 100 : 300 μm electrons Radiation dose 10 MGy 2E16 MeVneq/cm2 Minimum Threshold 1000 e- Power per channel < 25 μW Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Synchronous ADC concept Fast shaping may worsen S/N due to ballistic deficit Conversion begins as soon as charge starts being integrated and continues until signal reaches maximum or conversion time is over. no dead time for conversion. Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Configuration register CompOutB<6> Active resistor Leakage Current Compensation Core Amplifier Source Follower Vth0 Vth1 Vth2 Vth3 Vth4 Vth5 Vth6 Vth7 ComparatorB Comparator CompRst & CompRstB Cfb =11.6fF Ctest =1.6fF IN_TEST PIX_ANA Vth0-7 From DIGITAL PIXEL Preamplifier Bias (GLOBAL SIGNALS) Comparator Bias ILEAK IBIAS2A IBIAS1A VBIAS ISET2 ISET1 To DIGITAL section ANA_TEST (GLOBAL SIGNALS) analogDisable vssa! CompOutB<1> CompOutB<2> CompOutB<3> CompOutB<4> CompOutB<5> CompOutB<7> Hit In (Bump bond PAD) Pixel architecture analog section digital section Hit Processor Thermometric Encoder Priority Encoder Configuration register compOutB<7:1> Hit (from previous pixel) configIn configClk configOut (to next pixel) ADC<2:0> ADR<5:0> Set Kill readRequest selectPixelB BXClk analogDisable readStrobe digReset Synchronous front-end + ADC No ballistic deficit due to lack of shaping amplifier 3bit flash ADC per pixel: increased noise immunity CDS removes offsets and increases pileup immunity Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Preamplifier Electron readout Linearity: 1.5% for an input signal in 0.125fC – 4fC range Power Consumption: 12µW (8µA x 1.5V) Regulated cascode design Feedback capacitor: 11.6fF Active transistor resistive feedback Large signals behaves as a constant current source Small signals Rf = 1/gm Leakage current compensation up to 5nA AC coupled to comparators (must drive 8x11.6fF=92fF) Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
ADC Comparator Compact, single-ended architecture Correlated double sampling: Auto-zeroed Increased pileup immunity Signal filtering No need for trimming DACs 12.5ns reset phase; 12.5ns active comparison Low-power, fast, insensitive to corners Additional gain and positive regeneration in 2nd stage. BXclk must be well controlled across a large chip 1.5µW/comparator Out low Vt Clamp to maintain constant Idd Low capacitance to minimize threshold transients Gain with positive regeneration ΔVth ΔVsig In Vth Gnd Switches use BXclk for reset/compare Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Simulation results Response to a 12500e- input charge Transient noise simulation (Qin=1000e-) Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Corners and Mismatch Pixel relatively insensitive to process variations: mismatch across chip responsible for response variation Detector Capacitance [fF] Preamp output noise [eRMS] Noise after CDS Comparator phase noise [psRMS] 15 38 35 427 30 43 42 486 45 48 47 496 60 53 52 534 100 64 616 MonteCarlo simulation of comparator switching time for Qin=800e-, injected at 12.5ns: the main contribution is due to mismatch. Noise simulations results Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Pixel: digital functionality Hit Processor Thermometric Encoder Priority Encoder Configuration register compOutB<7:1> Hit (from previous pixel) configIn configClk configOut (to next pixel) ADC<2:0> ADR<5:0> Set Kill readRequest selectPixelB BXClk analogDisable readStrobe digReset ADC thermometric encoder Configuration register: 2bit to set or disable pixel Hit Processor: latches Hit or Set to generate readRequest to trigger the Priority Encoder Priority Encoder: based on Fisher Tree, generates a 6b pixel address for the column. The end of column logic issues a selectPixel signal to initiate readout. Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Data Readout Conflux: 4-phase asynchronous handshake protocol High-speed Data-driven Does not need high speed clocks or any global control signal Allows for daisy-chaining of data (patent pending) Data packet: 3b chip ID or timestamp + 6b super-column address + 8b pixel address + 3b signal amplitude 20b/hit Optional serial output mode
Layout … super-column analog digital 30μm 20μm 10μm 120μm 1 3 2 4 comparator 48 47 flash ADC 46 100μm 45 4800 μm … 3 Transistors placed in deep-nwell, double-pixel layout ADDA 2 preamplifier 1 super-column analog digital
Top level assembly and Design methodology Single Pixel: Analog: Virtuoso Layout XL generated abstract for Encounter and Verilog model with timing information from analog simulation (for top level simulation) Digital: custom compact cells VSR (space-based router, fast, no significant delay within pixel) Super Column: Encounter (timing-driven) Created timing libraries from parasitic extraction for different corners and temperature settings Signoff accuracy Top Level: Top level parasitic extraction and simulation Timing-driven distribution of clock and read strobe, buffer tree synthesis for all global reset signals BXclock variation across chip <2ns test structure 8500 μm 4800 μm Test features: Spy analog and digital signals available on EAST pads Single pixel with preamplifier output and all comparators’ outputs available for debugging 4 separate power supplies to monitor current of individual blocks Size compatible with bonding of baby sensors end-of-column logic
Summary and Future Developments A 48x160 small cell pixel demonstrator chip has been developed which employs synchronous ADC and a novel low-power comparator circuit and leakage current compensation. FCP130 is also a demonstrator for a novel data-driven asynchronous high-speed readout. Translation to 65nm being explored in collaboration with INFN Initial results show 40% reduction in analog power consumption, making the flash ADC scheme even more appealing. The chips should be delivered within days, silicon sensors developed at Purdue U. ready to be bump-bonded. Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015
Backup: comparator schematic Fermilab FCP130 CMS Tracker Week, Jan2015