Daytona State College School of Nursing
Your first choice for RN-BSN education
Earn your Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing Daytona State’s registered nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) program is for nurses interested in career advancement.
Uniquely Tailored Curriculum STAY CLOSER, GO FURTHER Cost Uniquely Tailored Curriculum Convenience Uniquely tailored curriculum for the working nurse 79% on line and 21% in the classroom with classes on Daytona campus Taught by all doctoral prepared nurses Lower cost than university Excellence
Curriculum Design Credit for Associate of Science in Nursing – 72 credit hours Gen Ed (Required) - 16 Credits Nursing Program Specific – 32 Credits
BSN GEN Ed’s CHM 1025 STA 2023 HUN 1201 DEP2004 LIT 2110 or LIT 2120
Flexible Program design that meets the needs of the working nurse Includes online flexibility Ability to complete core nursing courses in 3 semesters Easily accessible Gen Ed courses
Entrance Requirements Associate of Science Degree in Nursing or Diploma in Registered Nursing Registered Nurse Licensure 2 Letters of Recommendation
Preparing nurse leaders of the future Provides an education in patient-centered, evidence-based practice that builds on your work experience and increases your value in the workplace. Student Centered Flexible Scheduling Innovative Curriculum Trusted Leader in Education Experienced Faculty with Doctorates, committed to helping you succeed Innovative curriculum that meets accreditation standards and BSN essentials
Adult Learner Centered Approach The program focuses on a collaborative adult-learner centered approach that recognizes the family, home, and employment responsibilities of the nurse as a student.
A BSN degree will open doors to additional opportunities in many areas of nursing New and Desirable Job Opportunities AACN: “ The Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing as minimal preparation for professional practice” Leading to New and Desirable Opportunities In Nursing IOM: “the future of nursing focuses on education” ANA: “Reaffirms Commitment to BSN for entry into practice”
Instructional Methods Online Discussions Computer Aided Instruction Group Projects Case Studies Interactive Instruction
Contact for More information Admissions, (386) 506-3059, Linda Vought, Office Assistant, School of Nursing (386) 506-3250 • Linda Miles, Chair, School of Nursing (386) 506-3720 • Judith Valloze, Assistant Chair (386) 506-3723 •