Compare and Contrast the Artists of the Social Realist Movement
Table of Contents: Objectives Expected Outcome Overview of Social Realism Steps for Researching Criteria for PowerPoint Presentation. Bibliography Credits
Objectives: Explain what is Social Realism. Social Realism Social Realism Select and discuss basic facts about two artist of the social realist movement. social realist movementsocial realist movement Describe the similarities and differences between the two artist and one example each of their work.
Expected Outcome: Create a PowerPoint presentation that: Compares and Contrasts two artist of the Social Realist Movement. Compare and Contrast one example each of each arts work.
Explain what is Social Realism. Social Realism Social Realism What was going on in the world that influenced the artists? artists Session 1
Work in groups of two on the realism.html realism.html realism.html Select and research two artist from the site Copy and paste the Bibliography of the selected artists and one sample of their artwork into Microsoft word. Save on a disk.. Take disk to teachers computer and print out bibliography.
Homework!!!! Read the bibliographies. Use the Seeing Artwork Handout to select leading questions. Answer one question from each bold face category.
Session 2 Insert the disk into the computer and open the saved pictures. Use the open images and the bibliography to answer the questions on the Artist Bibliography Check Sheet.
Session 3 Open PowerPoint Create a presentation that contains: Title page Page explaining Social Realism. Example of each artist work. A comparison and contrast of each artist. A comparison and contrast of the artworks the group selected. Bibliography
Credits Created by Sachi Richardson Websites: las/socialrealism.html las/socialrealism.html las/socialrealism.html las/socialrealism.html Created in PowerPoint Created in PowerPoint