Improving Vocabulary Skills Unit 2 Chapter 11
Something that damages blight Something that damages
The rats in the street are a real blight on the neighborhood. The open sewers in the slum blight the area.
Expressing spiteful delight Gloat Expressing spiteful delight
Don’t gloat when you win. It isn’t nice. Little Tommy gloats when he wins in chess. Hopefully he’ll learn to be a gallant winner before he grows up.
Obvious in an offensive manner blatant Obvious in an offensive manner
Tommy stole the opponent’s queen in his last chess match. Blatant cheating like that cost him the game.
gaunt Bony; very skinny
Michael Jordon was a gaunt basketball player, But he was still unbeatable even though he was really thin.
immaculate Super clean
My mother will only eat at immaculate restaurants. Very few restaurants are as clean as her kitchen, so we rarely eat out.
qualm doubt
President Bush had no qualms about using waterboarding to get information from captives. Most people have qualms about using any kind of torture to get information.
Stealing someone else’s ideas plagiarism Stealing someone else’s ideas
If you commit plagiarism, you could be expelled from school. Plagiarism is a serious offense, akin to stealing.
Plan cleverly; think up contrive Plan cleverly; think up
Fatou contrived a clever excuse as to why she didn’t complete her homework: the computer froze. The teacher soon contrived of a way to double check the excuses her students gave for being late: she checked the date of the document.
garble Jumble; mix up
The computer sent a garbled error message, which only made the problem more difficult to solve. Since she didn’t hold the microphone close to her mouth, what she said was just a garbled mess.
retaliate Pay back; get revenge
Their team beat us last time, so we hope to retaliate and win this time. When Mohamed hit Hannatou with a snowball, Hannatou retaliated by throwing a snowball back at him.