Death Valley Brendan William Doll
What year did it become a national park and why Death Valley became a national park in feb Because of it’s importance and natural beauty. It was part of the American gold rush as part of it’s esteemed history as a American national park. Several mining companies set their house operation in the future national park of death valley. It was established because of it’s esteemed and amazing mountain views of the Mojave Desert.
How was the park formed The geologic history of Death Valley is complex and involves different types of fault activity at various times, as well as crustal sinking, volcanic activity and erosion. Death Valley is a graben -- a rift valley -- formed by the sinking of the bedrock lying between parallel, uplifted, tilt-block mountain ranges to the east and west, the Amargosa and the Panamints. A type of fault activity called block faulting, in which huge pieces of rock move vertically, began to form Death Valley about 30 million years ago. The sinking of crustal blocks and the uplift of the adjacent mountain ranges to form the great depression has been occurring for millions of years and continues to the present time.
What types of rock can be found in side your park Death valley is home to some of the rarest igneous rocks in the world such as andesite, felsite and pyroxonite death valley is home to one of the most heavily populated areas of moving of the tectonic plates. That’s why this park is so amazing.
Landforms and special features Death Valley National Park covers almost 3,000 square miles and is a vast natural museum, larger than the Yellowstone National Park. The floor of the Valley is almost 300 feet below sea level (at Badwater basin) and it is recognized as the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere and one of the hottest places on earth. 134 degrees F was recorded, second only to the 136 degrees registered in Libya in From the top of the 11,049 foot Telescope Peak in the Panamint Range Mountains, the floor of the Valley spreads out almost 2 miles below. It bears the grim name Death Valley.
How does the land change Death valley shifts by the common sand storms the sand is picked and sometimes travels miles across the national park the sandstorms shift the levels of the sand inside death valley this is especially because of weathering. Also on the mountains the rocks are loose often causing land slides causing the mountains to very slowly erode.
What environmental issues Some times the park gets so hot that it causes wild fires witch is bad cause it is surrounded by a residential area. It is also key for American oil so it sometimes leaks and hurts the wildlife and the plants of death valley the wild fires kill off plants that wild life eats the oil company is the fith largest in the world.
How is technology used to maintain the park Death Valley National Park has one of the largest solar energy systems in the United States. Built in the summer of 2008 by Xanterra Parks & Resorts, the 5,740 solar panels cover five acres of the park's 3.3 million acres, and help power the park's resort, The Furnace Creek Inn & Ranch Resort, as well as its many other facilities, including the lowest elevation golf course on the planet. The National Park Service awarded the new solar facility the 2008 Environmental Achievement Award. More recently, Flex Your Power, California’s statewide energy efficiency and conservation campaign, and Southern California Edison, an electric utility company, recognized the facility for its energy conservation efforts during peak electricity demand times.
Topographical Map of death valley.
Pictures that explain geological features.
Bibliography Death National geographic death valley-pamphlet Death valley a place of wonders book
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