ALIMA RETREAT Lead: Madeline Dombi Co- facilitator: Connelly Clifford
Intake form ALIMA International Dance Association – Memorial Union Room 360 – Saturday November 19 th 1pm-4pm – ALIMA wants: better ways of giving and receiving constructive criticism, team bonding, and overall communication – ALIMAS ideas: This was the first retreat they have never had this experience before so they left it up to SOLC to coordinate
Lead and Observer Planning This is the schedule we put together and tried to follow closely however was slightly altered when timing issues arose during the retreat.
Evaluations Seven out of eleven participants “agreed” that they knew their members better after the retreat Six out of eleven participants “agreed” that the retreat helped develop a stronger team Four of of eleven members “agreed” that following the retreat they have a better understanding of their goals
Lead Five stated that she “completely” connected to the groups needs Five also stated that she was “completely” competent during facilitation of the event Five responded that she was “very effective” in maintaining a positive learning environment Additional Comments: “Awesome facilitator,” “She was fun and interesting I think she did a wonderful job!”
Overall Commentary “Just wish we had more time” “Fun, fun fun!” “Loved it” “This activity was really good for our organization, thank you SOLC!”
Success of Retreat Two members said they were “extremely satisfied” Four out of eleven participants were “very satisfied” with how well SOLC met their expectations Four members felt “neutral”
Deltas While majority of the participants had overall good ratings, one member expressed that they were “not very satisfied” with their expectations being met. Another said that they “disagree” on having a better understanding of their goals
Personal Reflection While being a “follow” for this retreat I learned a lot not only from my lead herself, but from ALIMA as well. Having this be the second retreat I participated in I took what things that I needed to improve on and put them into action during this one (i.e. how to appropriately get everyone's attention back and knowing when to step in and to stay back.) I learned different ways to properly debrief an activity in a fun yet meaningful way. After attending this retreat I recognized how much being a facilitator takes in regards to planning and being prepared for a different activity incase something were to go wrong. I enjoy that every facilitator, whether a lead or follow, was able to step up and have input when working with an organizations during a retreat. As far as improvements go, I will excel in being a follow or lead in general. Lastly, no matter how the group is acting, I will remember to have and keep a positive attitude in order for the group to reflect off how I am acting.