Initial Planning for Bree Collaborative Retreat Bree Collaborative Meeting March 27, 2013
Objectives for Today Present general plan for retreat Review tentative agenda items Get feedback from the group to guide preparation 2
Overall Vision for Retreat 2 or 3 hour Strategic planning “mini-retreat” Early June, most likely in Seattle (in addition to regular Bree meetings) Facilitator will be hired to prepare and conduct the meeting Will survey a few Bree Collaborative members in advance Any comments or questions about this general plan? 3
Draft Agenda for Retreat Review the Bree Collaborative mandate Discuss work to date - what worked well/what needs improvement Identify how the Collaborative defines and measures success What would success look like 3 years from now? How can the Collaborative measure and monitor its success and effectiveness? Select next topic(s) and identify needs Data about overuse, poor quality, etc. Criteria to topic selection Is anything missing? 4
Other Questions for the Group What information would you like to review in advance of the meeting? Anything else? 5