Welcome to our Eco- Warriors assembly.
Where does energy comes from?
Wh at abo ut this ? Do you know this special type of black substance your parent/car ers uses to light your BBQ? (if you have one).
Wind turbine’s Wind turbines are bigger then you might think. A wind turbine may have blades at least 35m long, on a tower 80m high. (Big ben is 96m high. A wind turbine is 115m high)
We at WSLPA try particularly hard to help the polluted environment so we encourage people to install solar panels. SOLAR PANEL S
The Big Issues
Global warming is where there is too much pollution. Pollution is when there is too much carbon dioxide, this comes from car fuel, factories and fossil fuel. This causes flooding and a tsunami !
We need to save the oceans because pollution will kill all the fish, dolphins and whales! They need fresh water to swim in and breath. To save these things get solar panels and save energy. SAVE OCEANS PLEASE !
Pollution speeds up global warming and helps to destroy large areas of ice. This is a polar bears habitat. Therefore a better option would be to use wind turbines and solar panels instead of the gases and energy that are used now.
If we don’t give plants any oxygen they will die. So if plants have no oxygen we will die. Because the plants give us oxygen!
Pollution is terrible for your lungs because it takes away all of your oxygen and you will not be able to breath. If you have asthma you will find it really difficult to breathe.
To save money we could turn off the lights, use solar-panels and many more. This saves money so we can buy more things to learn with. If you don`t have a lot of money get solo-panels because you will save lot`s of money and energy also you’ll be happy!
How to save energy
Solar panels are used to change the energy from the sun directly in to electricity. They can be placed on buildings. But to change the energy from the sun into electricity, the panels need to be in direct sunlight for as long as possible.
You should turn off all electrical appliances because it saves money and Mrs Robinson can buy more things for example laptops, iPad and books. So PLEASE turn off all electrical appliances !!!!
To save energy, instead of putting on the heating put on a extra jumper because if we do not save energy it will cost lots of money.
Instead of adding a bit of wood to the fire, you could use a bit of paper from your recycling bin. This will save you money and help the environment.
Summar y Please turn off the lights, laptops and smartboards when you are out of your class. At home put on a jumper instead of putting on the heating.