Healthy Relationships
Purpose of the Presentation Dynamics of a Healthy Relationship Boundaries - Safe Touch Signs of Controlling Behavior and bullying Strategies for dealing with Bad Behavior 2
What are the signs of: Controlling Behavior. Extreme Jealousy. Explosive Temper. Constant Criticism. Peer Pressure and Bullying. 3 Healthy RelationshipsUnhealthy Relationships Treating others with Respect. Letting others have different opinions. Freely voicing thoughts, feelings and opinions. Taking Responsibility for your own choices.
Boundaries – Safe Touch 4
Saying NO! Physical/Emotional Boundaries. It’s ok to say “NO” without fear of consequences. Can you disagree with someone without fear of consequences? Are you able to make moral decisions without fear of consequences? Is it important to be able to say NO?
What is Bullying? 6 Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person. Who can be a Bully? - Peers, siblings, friends, adults…. anyone can be a bully!
Some Ways of Bullying Calling someone names. Saying or writing nasty things about them. Leaving them out of activities Not talking to them. Threatening them. Making them feel uncomfortable or scared. 7
Some Ways of Bullying (continued) Taking or damaging their things. Hitting, pushing, pinching, kicking them. Making them do things they don’t want to do. Making up stories or creating false information about them on Facebook. 8
Why do Some People Bully? They may see it as a way of being ‘popular’. Making themselves look tough and in charge. To get attention. To make other people afraid of them. They are jealous of the other person. They may be bullied by someone else. Their parents are bullies. 9
What can you do if you see someone else being Bullied? Try to Stop it. - If you do nothing, you’re saying it is OK with you You should show the bully that you think what they are doing is mean. Help the person being bullied to tell an adult they can trust. Its always best to treat others like you would like to be treated. 10
How to Avoid being Bullied Tell Someone (friend, parent, teacher). Ignore the Bully. Avoid Getting Violent. Practice the Buddy System. 11
Other Forms of Unhealthy Behavior Checking up on you constantly through Facebook, ….. 12 Constant texting or calling Sexting
How would you help a friend in Need? Listen and believe what they tell you. Always be there for them. Offer to go with them for help. Talk to your teacher/parent if you need help. Call the Police if you see something dangerous. 13
Dealing with Violence in School 14
Outlets for Support Friends Teachers Counselors/SROs LEVI (Longmont Ending Violence Initiative) SafeShelter – –24 Hour Crisis Line –
Confidentiality Mandatory Reporters - Police - Counselors - Teachers - Doctors Non-Mandatory Reporters –Hotlines –Woman’s Shelters –Parents Anonymous Reporting