CELINA GARCIA ELENA AUSTERMÜHLE 23 APRIL-18 MAY 2012 A multi-cultural, gender-sensitive training program CREATIVE CONFLICT RESOLUTION Based on the Alternatives to Violence Project
Origins This course is based on the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) developed originally in the mid 70s and later, adapted for academic purposes with the name of Creative Conflict Resolution. Fundacion CEPPA, Center for Peace Studies, has implemented both programs in Costa Rica and other countries since During the years, the program has made adaptations in order to respond to the particular needs of women, specific groups and intercultural or multicultural environments.
The program emphasizes the following themes: Self-esteem and self-care Communication skills Cooperation, community building Conflict transformation, including mediation, bias awareness, intercultural respect and gender equality Trauma healing
Methodology Participatory Cooperative Experiential
Modules Basic Advanced or Conflict Transformation Mediation Facilitation Trauma Healing
Structure of each session Vocabulary Agenda review: Lesson in brief & group suggestions Objectives Activity type (L&L, work group, etc) Songs, tongue twisters & poems Evaluation: Review of the key concepts, objectives and personal impact Closing
A Notebook All about me & diary All participants, will create a daily impression on the course, feelings, personal and group processes.
Readings This is an opportunity for students to take the time for the theoretical background that support this Course. Students are given a list of short articles. By explaining the meaning of the readings to the group, students acquire facilitation skills.
Final Course Presentation Students will select a topic of their interest and present it to the group using one of the following forms: Formal presentation (using Power Point) Triptych, pamphlet, brochure Booklet Play Research project & formal presentation A campaign design
Suggested themes Intercultural L&L’s Intercultural exercises on program themes Child abuse Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation Children’s rights Women’s rights Sexuality Human trafficking Modern slavery Peace studies Mediation: family, community, court, etc HIV Migrants Hunger War Poverty Peace movements in my country and/or community Global military expenditures Peace and the environment Women & peace Nonviolence actions and strategies Nonviolent movements Any other suggested by the student
Suggested themes Simulation case Aboriginal mediation and conflict resolution systems The Megan Law The International Megan Law Bill Racism Contemporary wars Domestic violence Protest movements Community building Deviance & social control Self-care Gayanashagowa or The Iroquois Great Law of Peace