Smetkin A. A., Nedashkovsky E. V., Kuzkov V. V., Kirov M. Y. ORGANIZATION AND ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF CONTINUOUS MEDICAL EDUCATION IN DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia
― educational process, which enable to continuously (everyday) renew the clinical knowledge and practical skills for medical professionals. Continuous medical education (CME) Association of medical societies for quality
― improvement of quality of medical care and safety of patients. Aim of CME Association of medical societies for quality
Objectives of university department Provision of comprehensive education for anaesthesiologists and intensive care professionals: undergraduate level; postgraduate level. Provision of best condition for continuous medical education.
Undergraduate education Students of the 5 th course from 5 medical faculties – lectures in anesthesiology and practical classes in intensive care medicine and resuscitation. Assessment of knowledge – entry tests (short answer questions), case methods.
Elective (supplementary) study at 4-6 th courses of education: 4 th course – clinical physiology and organization of anesthesiology and intensive care; 5 th course – general principles in anesthesiology; 6 th course – general principles in intensive care medicine. Assessment of knowledge – discussion the questions of diagnostics and treatment of patients. Undergraduate education
Theoretical part. Presentation of the results of clinical studies. Training of the practical skills. Scientific society of students Assessment of knowledge and practical skills with discussion of theoretical and practical questions and using games with elements of competition. Undergraduate education
Scientific societies of students
Postgraduate education Written examination with short answer questions. Personal activity in scientific society of students. Participation in clinical studies as co-investigator. Discussion of the basic topics of anesthesiology and intensive care. Entry examination (enable to assess the quality of undergraduate level of education):
1 st year: clinical physiology, general principles of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. In the beginning of the study – lectures during three weeks, followed by lectures and demonstration of clinical cases by professors every Monday. The most time – work as a doctor’s assistant in 5 clinical hospitals plus two obligatory night duties per month. 2 nd year: study the topics of the different fields of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Postgraduate education
Ongoing assessment : Registration of gained practical skills and knowledge in record book. Individual discussion of the main topics of the completed part of study with group supervisor. Discussion of the particular questions in group during every week presentation of clinical cases. Assessment of quality Postgraduate education
Intermediate assessment : Every half-year. Presentation of clinical cases by students followed by feedback on positive and negative sides of cases. Discussion of the topics of completed parts of study. Postgraduate education Assessment of quality
Final assessment : Presentation of practical skills and assessment of knowledge in the main seven parts of anesthesiology and intensive care. Computer assisted examination with multiple choice questions (MCQ). Interview with discussion of theoretical topics and answer the extended matching questions. Postgraduate education Assessment of quality
Computer assisted examination Postgraduate education
Obligatory training (every 5 year) Continuous medical education Self-education (everyday)
Full-time (144 hours) and elective (72 hours) parts. Lectures, practical tasks and work in operation rooms and intensive care units. Continuous medical education (obligatory training) Continuous medical education (obligatory training) Assessment of quality: Entry MCQ test. Final MCQ test.
Department’s library: national and international journals, books. Publications of our department: books, book’s chapters, “Refreshening course of lectures” (by ESA), journal Update in Anaesthesia (by WFSA) Russian edition. Sources of information: Continuous medical education (self-education) Continuous medical education (self-education)
Web-sites and electronic editions Continuous medical education (self-education) Continuous medical education (self-education) Sources of information:
Regional conferences (society of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists of Arkhangelsk region, association of anesthesiologist and reanimatologists of North-west Russia). National conferences (Whit See symposium, National Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists. International conferences (European Society of Anesthesiologists, World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists). Courses of European committee for education in anesthesiology (СEEA) and World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA). Continuous medical education (self-education) Continuous medical education (self-education)
The special credits scale aiming to assess educational activity of medical professionals was introduced in The principle of calculation: 1 hour of CME activity is 1 credit. Goal – gain at least 250 credit points at the period between obligatory trainings. Motivation for self-education: Continuous medical education (assessment of quality) Continuous medical education (assessment of quality)
Educational activityCredits Obligatory training144 Scientific fellowship25 Publication of article10 Publication of abstract in national conference abstract book4 Tutorship15 Oral presentation at regional conference5 Oral presentation at national conference10 Oral/poster presentation at international conference15 Activity in regional professional society3 Activity in national professional society5 Activity in international professional society7 Workshop activity6 Continuous medical education (assessment of quality) Continuous medical education (assessment of quality)
Assistance in spread and popularization of CME in Arkhangelsk region and Russian Federation. Improvement of technical facilities for CME (mannequins, simulators, etc. ). Development and introduction of systems aiming to assess the quality of care and knowledge of medical professionals. Development of guidelines on improvement of motivation to CME. Future
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