1 Japanese Science Publishing Mikiko Tanifuji Institute of Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP) Fiesole Conference, Melbourne, April 29, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese Science Publishing Mikiko Tanifuji Institute of Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP) Fiesole Conference, Melbourne, April 29, 2005

2 Outline Society journals in Japan Journals published by IPAP Journals published by Japanese Publishers Journals published by non-Japanese Publishers Journals published on J-Stage Journals collection by UniBio Press Navigator to society journals GeNii by NII IR by Libraries

3 Background 1 - Researchers environment The Science and Technology Basic Plan Council for Science and Technology Policy past 8yrs, 400 $billion The 3 rd plan stated “from basic research to application”, “strengthen dissemination system of information to international community” ( Evaluation of research achievement for employment Number of reviewed articles in the high-IF journals

4 Researchers need to publish more articles | Increasing production of articles in Japan | Need journals as an evaluation (review) system, fair, fast | Need more journals? Societies as a community of/for researchers respond to needs | Encourage members to submit articles to societies’ journals (but?) | Try to improve journals review system (but?) | Need more circulation Can/Do societies respond to users’ need?

5 Phys. Sci.& Eng.& Technol. 526,000 (2002) Total 68%

6 Published papers in Science & Technology Selected Countries' Shares of Published Papers [%] Source : ISI “National Science Indicators, ”

7 Background 2 – Publishing community Society Publishers 1990 – awareness of internet communication 1995 – trial HTML, free for all 1997 – trial PDF, free for all 2000 – awareness of necessity of e-journals 2005 – pricing of e-journals, e- only? Licensing?? Commercial Publishers 1990 – awareness of internet business, free for all? 1995 – web-based search service, database, free HTML 1997 – e-journal licensing model 2000 – consortia, archiving, portal 2005 – Has/Can societies respond to speed of growth of publishing community?

8 Society Journals in Japan 1624 societies, 2019 titles In English 341 (S&T 155, Med 109, Agr 37), in Japanese 1678 Publishing style Societies publish on their own Societies organize self-publishing institute “IPAP” Societies journals hosted by government sponsored platform “J-Stage” Societies out-sourcing to professional publishers Societies-collection “UniBio Press”

9 IPAP Institute of Pure and Applied Physics ( Established 1961 Non-profit organization “the only” independent-publishing organization Societies membership The Physical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Progress of Theoretical Physics, The Optical Society of Japan Online publishing 4 journals, conference proceeding, books Scientific journals published in Japan are 63 titles 8,272 articles published (by NII) IPAP publishes 4 titles, 3,200 articles/yr → 39 % in physics and technology

10 Physical Society of Japan since 1946, publish 3,100 pg/yr Optical Society of Japan since 1994, publish 600 pg/yr Japan Society of Applied Physics since 1962, publish 10,000 pg/yr Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics since 1946, publish 4,000 pg/yr MonthlyWeekly Online first Full archive Av. 20 days Publishing days Full archive on Springer web Will full archive Full subscription Pay-Per-View Free

11 Responsibilities Societies: editing, author copyright IPAP: production, p- & e- publishing, sales, promotion E-publishing platform “IPAP Online Journals” Current: 3 titles, from e-submission to e-first publishing, full archive, CrossRef linking Plan: Google Search, RSS…. Site Licensing 1. Pricing depending on institutional activities 2. Keep print-subscription revenue 3. One licensing, one agreement for one institute Mission of IPAP

12 Publishing Revenue Publication charge (a) $110/article Subscription (b) Institutions -$1600/year/10,000 pages Individuals Trial users -trial users, free 3 months Pay per view -$16/article Government support (c) a c b

13 Online Journal Usage (yearly trend) free charge

14 J-STAGE Japan Science and Technology Information AGgregator, Electronic Common platform of electronic journals for academic societies in Japan, operated by JST Since October 1999 About 270 academic societies About 180 journals and 80 proceedings are currently published More than 115 thousand articles are loaded About 250 thousand PDF are downloaded per month

15 J-STAGE top page Journals top page


17 Increasing Audience 2005?

18 Outcome 2: Rapid Publication

19 Societies out-sourcing to professional publishers in Japan E-library by Terapub free pdf

/ 341 journals commercial / non-commercial publisher Blackwell Publishing Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Elsevier Science, Springer Verlag, Karger, VSP Oxford University Press Roles Society – editing control a quality of journals Publisher – copyrights (in full/shared), production, p- & e-publishing, distribution, marketing control dissemination by collect journals & licensing Societies out-sourcing to professional publishers outside Japan

21 UniBio Press UniBio Press (cf. BioOne) April titles ~ 20 titles in 200x J. Mammalian Ova Research Mammal Study Zoological Science Negotiating mutually acceptable pricing with the librarian community through SPARC/Japan Expecting an increasing of circulation Zoo. Sci. $175/yr (+12% from 2000 to 2001, +0% since)

22 Policy BioOne Small societies gathered & support own platform Responsibilities Collection of journals in Biology Licensing Supporter NII supports this project in corporation of SPARC/Japan Mission of UniBio Press

23 Global Environment for Networked Intellectual Information Web portal of scholarly contents by National Institute of Informatics (NII) Navigator to society journals Corporation of government + libraries for academic communities

24 IR/ELS → GeNii ( ※ GeNii : Global Environment for Networked Intellectual Information) Journal papers (full text) Book and journal information Article information Research achievements information Specialty academic information 1 April 2005 ~ partially pay service free Journal Papers Indexes and Abstracts (without text) Books and Journal titles

25 Global Environment for Networked Intellectual Information Web portal of scholarly contents by National Institute of Informatics (NII) Navigator to society journals Institutional Repository Web-based database of scholarly contents which is institutionally defined by Chiba University Library, other univ. and National Institute of Informatics (NII) Corporation of government + libraries for academic communities

26 Summary – what’s happening in Japan? Society journals are active, but passive try to collect high quality articles from members accelerating digitizing of journal archive try to shift from print-based to a site-based licensing try to maintain cost balance, save and development R&D Publishing aggregators are not competitive, not enough knowledge, technology, cost performance …etc. J-Stage, IPAP GeNii as a national-made navigator to scholarly contents IR as a portal service for institutions by libraries

27 Summary – so, what is the problem ? Society journals are positive but pessimistic …if we could collect high quality articles from our society members, and then our journal should get better circulation, and then the journal brand will get higher …but, most of our members, especially younger generation focus on brand-journals …however, we still need to continue, or, we may need to install new journal to appeal and get their attention, so that members will support our society journals, …we must improve e-journal function, maybe invest more money for R&D, or human resource, to correspond to their needs..so that our journals will become competitive journals one day.

28 Is the geography of journal publishing therefore shifting? -yes, we are. For further contact from May 1, 2005: National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)