THE AFRICAN PEER REVIEW MECHANISM [APRM] presented by Dr. Bernard Kouassi Executive Director APRM Secretariat Banjul, Gambia June 26, 2006
Introduction The APRM is a self-monitoring mechanism voluntarily acceded to by Member States of the AU with the aim to: Foster adoption of policies, standards and practices leading to: Political stability High economic growth Sustainable development Over-arching Goal – accelerate progress towards sub-regional and continental economic integration through sharing of experiences and reinforcement of successful and best practices. Open, inclusive, participatory and broad-based process To date 25 countries have acceded to the APRM and a few others are contemplating to joint in the near future.
Structures of the APRM APR Forum APR Panel APR Secretariat Continental Level Country Level National APRM Commission National APRM Focal Point National APRM Secretariat TRIs Strategic Partner Institutions
Mandates APR Forum Policy-making body of the APRM Examine the Country Review Reports and Conduct the peer reviews APR Panel Proposing a Work Plan to the APR Forum Interacting with countries to start APRM processes Leading Country Support and Review Missions Issuing recommendations to countries on the Country Review Report Popularising the APRM nationally and continentally
Strategic Partner Institutions AfDB, UNDP, UNECA Have been very supportive Provide technical, human and financial support Participate in all missions Share data and country information with the APR Panel/Secretariat
The APRM Process FOUR THEMATIC AREAS Democracy and Political Governance [DPG] Economic Governance and Management [EGM] Corporate Governance [CG] Socio-Economic Development [SED] 5 STAGES Stage One: Self-Assessment Stage Two: Country Review Mission Stage Three: Report writing by Country Review Team [CRT] Stage Four: Submission of the CRT’s report to the APR Forum and Conduct of Peer Review Stage Five: Final stage of the APR Process-involves making public the country’s report and related actions.
Responsibilities of Countries Sign Accession Document-MOU Sign the MOU on Technical Assessments and the Country Review Visit Appoint National APRM Focal Point, National APRM Commission and other structures Contribute to the funding of the APRM Sensitization and Information Dissemination Ensure participation of all stakeholders Conduct the national self-assessment exercise and the Country Self- Assessment Report [CSAR] Develop and Implement a realistic National Programme of Action [POA]
Funding of the APRM Based on APRM Work Plan for approved at Algiers Forum Initially estimated at US$ 15 million, and will expand as more countries join and work extends beyond planned 3-year period Countries contribute a minimum of US$ 100,000. Some have contributed more than the minimum Countries participate in Project Oversight Committee Development Partners are also contributing APRM Trust Fund now operational
Country Support & Review Missions Follow-up Missions Ascertain status of preparedness/progress in APRM implementation Country Support Missions Led by a Member of the Panel Signature of MOU on modalities for country review visit Interact with stakeholders and hold briefings with identified institutions Finalise the roadmap and launch the self-assessment exercise Country Review Missions Led by a Member of APR Panel Based on Independently developed background papers and the country self-assessment report Issues Papers are prepared for : Consultation with widest possible cross-section of national stakeholders Explores further matters in the Issues Paper Builds national consensus on way forward
Progress 11 Country Support Missions Ghana-May 2004 Rwanda-June 2004 Mauritius-July 2004 Kenya-July 2004 Uganda- February 2005 Nigeria-March 2005 Algeria-July 2005 South Africa-November 2005 Benin-November 2005 Tanzania- June 2006 Burkina Faso - June Country Review Missions Ghana [April 2005] Rwanda [April 2005] Kenya [Oct 2005]
Progress [cont’d] This year likely to complete-Algeria and South Africa New reviews to be launched in Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Mali etc. Launch of reviews based on readiness of countries
African Countries in NEPAD Committees HSGIC APR Forum Botswana Libya Tunisia Benin Burkina Faso Lesotho Malawi Sierra Leone Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zambia Algeria Angola Cameroon Congo Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Kenya Mali Mauritius Mozambique Nigeria Rwanda Senegal South Africa Sao-Tome Principe ?
APRM Countries (Population) Total Population of African Continent=885,977, 259 Total Population of APRM Countries= 652,476,125 Some populations of APRM Countries, Nigeria (128 m) Egypt (77m) Ethiopia (73m) S. Africa (44m) Sudan (40m) Tanzania, Kenya, Algeria (30 millions) Percentage (73.64%)
Examples from Countries GHANA Focal Point-Minister of NEPAD and Regional Integration. NGC-7 members (civil society) appointed by President 4 Technical Research Institutions [TRIs] - One for each thematic area Instruments-(Desk Research, Expert Panel, Household Survey) Extensive information dissemination. National Validation Exercise RWANDA Focal Point-Minister for Finance and National Planning National Commission of about 50 Chaired by Minister of Planning- membership from government, CSos, private sector. Questionnaires sent out, Volunteer thematic groups within the NC
Examples from Countries [cont’d] KENYA Focal Point-Ministry of National Planning Commission of 33 members –membership from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Key Ministries 4 TRIs Instruments [Desk Research, Expert Panel, Household Surveys, Focus Group Discussions] External Expert Review National Validation
Challenges faced by countries Organizing national structures Sensitization, designation of Focal Point, managing relationships Funding and Resource mobilization for the exercise Undertaking the self assessment exercise Breaking down questionnaire etc Broad based participation, who to select and how to select; Drafting the POA Not enough time spent, engagement of government Keeping to the timelines of the review exercise Designing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Continuity of National Commission
Challenges at Continental Level Dealing with Readiness of Countries: Delays in putting the necessary structures in place; Capacity of countries: Capacity for self assessment and elaboration of the National POA Lack of Understanding of the APRM Seen as audit of government only; conditionality etc.; Enhancing the Pool of Experts for Capacity Building;
APRM SECRETARIAT Executive Director: Dr. Bernard Kouassi, Physical address: APRM Secretariat Samrand Building, Samrand Avenue, Midrand 1685, South Africa Postal address: APRM Secretariat P.O. Box 1234, Halfway House 1685, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0) Fax: +27 (0) or Website :