Interactive Tour of Ellis Island View Video and Photos PLUS listen to audio interviews of Immigrants from the past Immigration tour and Activities
CONTENT & LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES I can summarize and draw conclusions about the immigratation experience at Ellis Island I can role play with a partner/small group an example of the immigrants’ experiences at Ellis Island. {For example, one person would be the immigrant, and the other would be a customs agent – exchanging money, reviewing papers, physical examinations, etc. when both people do NOT speak the same language. }
IMMIGRATION VOCABULARY ANTICIPATION GUIDE How much do you know about these words? (Use a check mark to indicate your understanding before/after the tour) Before Ellis Island Tour WORDDefinition: (Use background knowledge, context clues from tour, or a dictionary to check meaning.) After Ellis Island Tour A lotA littleNot Muc h A lotA littleNot Much immigrant history translate legal contagious inspectors emotional
“Put yourself in their shoes” If you put yourself in someone's shoes, you imagine what it is like to be in their position. Write a narrative paragraph as if you are an immigrant during one of the stops on the Ellis Island Tour. Be sure to describe your surroundings and feelings during this experience. {Everyone was up on deck to see the Statue of Liberty as our boat entered New York Harbor…}
ROLE PLAY PLANNING GUIDE (Complete with partner) Immigration Experience (Who? What? Where? Problem?) Who?Does whatWhere?Why? or Problem Who?Does whatWhere?Why? or Problem Did your audience understand the experience you were trying to role play? Why or Why not?
TEACHER NOTES This scholastic Interactive Tour may need some whole class direction to maneuver between immigration pages and Ellis Island presentation. Some of the video has no sound. Also an additional section at Immigration Home where students can read about past or current students. Begin by doing Pre – Vocab. Anticipation guide You will need to copy Vocab. Anticipation guide, writing responses and planning for role-play activity (pgs.3,4,5) You can go to GOOGLE EARTH and see the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Museum and New York Harbor I also have two books (non-fiction) If Your Name was Changed at Ellis Island or Immigrant Kids for read aloud or student interest. Don’t miss some of the audio where past immigrants recount their experiences at Ellis Island….or an actual video on the ferry arriving. (no sound)