By Michael Weiss
A swamp has a mild climate. There are a lot all over Louisiana and Australia. Habitats include trees, shrubs,creeks, lakes, and rivers. Organisms include large and small insects, crocodiles, cranes, anacondas, black bears, bald eagles, and many others animals. Swamp Biome
Black jungle swamp has a large water way covered in algae, lily pads, and leaves. It has trees and shrubs every where. Some habitats are trees, creeks, and bushes. Organisms that live here are crocs, bugs, fishes, and various species of birds. BLACK JUNGLE SWAMP
FOOD CHAIN Water lily fish crocodiles
WATER LILIES Water lilies live in ponds, lakes, swamps, and creeks. Water lilies have one adaptation and that is that they are rooted to the ground and their leaves float to the top of the water bed. They only drink water. Predators include beavers, snails, muskrats, ducks, and porcupines. Water lilies don’t communicate or defend themselves. The younger water lilies are just smaller. We should not be concerned about this organism.
FISH The fish live in the creek in the swamp. There are so many types of fish in a swamp the one adaptation all fish have is gills. Fish eat water lilies, plankton, and algae. Alligators, humans, bears, other fish, and many more hunt fish. Fish use all of the following to protect themselves: colors to blend in to their surroundings, swim very fast to escape danger, swim in schools to confuse other fish, hide in rocks and plants. Different fish communicate in different ways. They typically communicate by using pheromones, hormones released from their body or via a high pitch purring noise made by blowing bubbles out of their swim bladder. Their babies look the same as the parents just smaller. The parents feed and protect their young. The babies are not as clever. We should not be concerned about this organism.
CROCODILES Crocs live in the southern states of America, the Nile river, and Australia. Some crocs have developed large teeth to help them fish and catch anything they want to eat. Crocs will eat anything that gets close enough to the water including humans. Nothing hunts adult crocodiles. Crocs can use their tails for protection, and they can bite. Crocs are known to bite down with a force of three thousand pounds per square inch. Crocs communicate by waving their tails. Some crocodilian will carry their young to the river and hope for the best and other will guard them for about three months. There are thousands of crocodilian species.
QUIZ 1 How does the mother croc care for her babies? 5 True or false, crocs eat humans? 2 What do swamp fish eat? 4 True or false, the swamp is very cold? 3 Name 1 continent crocs live on?
1 throw in river or keep for 3 months 2 they eat algae and water lilies 3 America, Australia, and Africa 4 false 5 true ANSWERS