Wind Jobs Cindy Buckley | Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Wind Energy Center KVCC will create a path to real jobs by graduating Wind Turbine Technicians and Wind Technology Specialists who possess the skills, knowledge and aptitudes needed construct, operate and maintain Wind power generating equipment. We will promote Michigan’s reputation for a skilled workforce capable of supporting all aspects of the Wind Energy Industry - manufacturing, construction, operation and maintenance. KVCC will contribute to Michigan’s ability to live up to our potential in wind energy production which will lead to economic growth and a healthier environment.
Wind Energy Center Initial Activities Installation of a 50 kw Wind Turbine on campus 10 kw for our lab National training center for Entegrity Wind Wind Turbine Technician Academy Youth summer programs Informational Seminars One year Wind Energy certificate program Wind Energy Center Website
20% WIND BY 2030 Department of Energy July 2008 Michigan has the potential to play a key role in the Wind Industry: Our Wind Resource Our manufacturing know-how The 20% Wind Scenario require U.S. wind power capacity to grow from 11.6 GW in 2006 to more than 300 GW over the next 23 years Michigan is ranked 14 th in the nation for wind power potential - 65 GW
Creating Jobs Provide entry level career pathway for middle skill, green collar workers. Create the opportunity for existing workers to re-tool existing skills for work in the Wind Industry. Specifically in the areas of construction and manufacturing. Creates a rich opportunity for Wind Industry leaders to work in partnership with one of many Michigan Community Colleges that are poised to support their Michigan investments.
What is a Green Job? What is a green construction worker? A construction worker who is up-to-date on energy efficient construction.
Wind Jobs
Wind Energy Certificate Commercial through Residential Turbines 110 PC Operating Systems 3 DRFT 105 Blueprint Reading 2 DRFT 110 Anal Applic for Tech Careers I 2 DRFT 112 Anal Applic for Tech Career II 2 ELT 102 Applied Electricity 4 ELT 120 Electrical Machines 3 ELT 122 Wind Turbine Ops/Maint/Repair 2 ELT 126 Power Generation & Dist 2 ELT 222 Programmable Control 3 ELT 228 Adv Program Control & Data Acq 4 HVAC 104 Intro to Renewable Energy 2 MSM 110 Safety for Alt Energy Tech 1 MSM 120 Basic Fluid Power 2 MSM 250 Wind Turbine Mechanical System 3 Total Credit Hours 35
Wind Turbine Technician Academy The Wind Turbine Technician Academy is a competency based program providing graduates a multi craft credentials, uniquely aligned with skills needed by the wind power industry, for the construction, operation and maintenance of utility size wind turbines. A Wind Turbine Technician must have a high integrated set of skills which allow them to work on electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems. The program will consist of three integrated segments. Module One: Pre-Employment Electrical Apprenticeship – 9 weeks Participants will receive instruction equivalent to the first two years of classroom instruction as required for an electrical apprenticeship. Module Two: Wind Turbine Technologies – 14 weeks 14 weeks will be devoted to Wind Turbine Technologies. The program covers Wind Turbine Electrical, Mechanical, and Hydraulic Systems, Wind Dynamics Wind Turbine Design, Blade Repair, and Safety Training. Module Three: Field Work Experience – 3 weeks 3 weeks of work on a Wind Farm is required to complete the program.
Bildungszentrum für Erneuerbare Energien (BZEE) Renewable Energy Education Centre Husum Germany. Provides Wind Turbine Technician training and testing for certification since Industry advisors for the BZEE represent the largest worldwide manufacturers and contractors in the wind energy field today. Those same companies are at work today in the United States advancing our nation toward the goal of “20% Wind by 2030.
Wind Turbine Technician Jobs Estimates indicate that from 1 – 7 and Wind Turbine Technicians will be required to is required for every turbine installed.
Cindy Buckley Executive Director of Training M-TEC at KVCC