Agenda  Surging wind industry  Land-based wind in Maryland  Offshore wind  Policies – federal and state  MD’s Climate Action Plan  40% clean electricity.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda  Surging wind industry  Land-based wind in Maryland  Offshore wind  Policies – federal and state  MD’s Climate Action Plan  40% clean electricity for MD  Get Involved! Tommy Landers, Maryland & DC Policy Director

 Worldwide capacity doubled over the past 5 years  U.S. turbine prices have fallen 40% since 2008  Prices will decrease 20%-30% over next 20 years  Already out-competing natural gas & other fossil fuels on price in many parts of the country  2012: Wind power #1 source of new US electricity production (40.5% of total, or 10,700 MW)  2013: Wind power generated 4.13% of all U.S. electricity, 5 th largest electricity source

 2007: 25% of turbine components used in new wind farms in the U.S. produced domestically  Jumped to 72% in 2012  Brookings Institute: as of end of 2012, clean energy economy employed ~2.7 million American workers  More than the fossil fuel industry (~2.4 million U.S. jobs)  Center for American Progress: Per dollar spent, clean- energy investment generates ~3.2 times as many jobs in U.S. as fossil fuel sectors  250 MW wind farm creates ~1,079 direct jobs over lifetime of the project (engineers, construction workers, blade manufacturers, gearbox makers, electricians, etc.)

 Current installed capacity: 120 megawatts (MW)  51 turbines, 4 wind projects online  More than 200 MW capacity in development  Equivalent of 29,000 avg. homes powered by wind  NREL: MD's onshore wind potential at 80 meters hub height is 1,483 MW.  Offshore wind potential at 90m hub height: 53,782 MW  MD's onshore & offshore wind resource could satisfy nearly 3 times MD’s current electricity needs

 Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013 passed  Aug. 19, 2014: competitive federal lease sale for nearly 80,000 acres off MD coast  MD Wind Energy Area: starts about 10 miles offshore Ocean City, MD  Potential for between 850 and 1450 MW (NREL)  Highest bid for OSW area leases in U.S., at $8.7 million  Potentially $500 mill. investment coming to MD businesses for initial 200 MW phase  Baltimore: only deepwater port on Maryland's shoreline, essential for assembling massive turbines

 5 federal commercial wind energy leases off Atlantic coast so far  Who will be first to have operating OSW farm?  Mass.: most mature – 468 MW Cape Wind project  Rhode Island also could be first – 30 MW block  European nations: 6,500 MW installed, and growing  China, Japan, and South Korea (China = 430 MW, w/ plans to grow)  Floating offshore turbine pilot projects proposed in Oregon and Maine

 Federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) & Investment Tax Credit (ITC) – need to be renewed  Maryland Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GGRP)  Requires at least 25% reduction in GHGs below 2006 levels by 2020  Top program in GGRP is boosting the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)  Current: 20% by 2022  GGRP: 25% by 2020  MD Climate Coalition: 25% by 2020, then 40% by 2025

 Double current requirement (20% by 2022)  2008 more than doubled, 7.5% by 2019 to 20% by 2022  Our grid is ready: All states in our region could double current RPS’s while maintaining reliability, reducing pollution, & lowering energy prices (GE study for PJM)  Incentive ~4,700 MW new clean energy in our region  Reduce GHG’s by nearly 10 million metric tons per year  Carbon equivalent of taking 2 million passenger vehicles off the road every year  Biggest, and fastest, bang for the buck

 CCAN & MD Climate Coalition:  CCAN:  MD Climate Coalition:  Website for MD’s climate action plan (GGRP):  Find out which state legislative district you live in: (website)  Phone numbers for general assembly:  | | toll free ext  General assembly website (dates, bill status, etc.):