Family & Consumer Sciences 404 Using the Library’s resources to find books and journal articles
Where to start looking for articles? You can: Browse recent issues of journals on the 2 nd floor (see online FCSC subject guide for available titles & call numbers)online FCSC subject guide Or Search our databases for articles on a specific topic I suggest both because many of our journals are only online
Database searching Best database for both interior design and child development: EBSCOhost Articles from both fields can also be found in JSTOR, but most will be at least 5 years old
Finding journals in EBSCOhost EBSCOhost actually contains several different databases, and for interdisciplinary fields it can be hard to know which ones to search in The best way to browse FCS journals in EBSCOhost is through the library catalog
Browsing journals in EBSCOhost
Browsing articles in EBSCOhost
Searching for articles in EBSCOhost
Searching for Articles in EBSCOhost
Searching for articles in EBSCOhost
Finding ebooks in NetLibrary
If you need help, contact me! Maren Williams Or ask for me at the Reference desk