University Advancement and Marketing 2005-2006 Planning.


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Presentation transcript:

University Advancement and Marketing Planning

University Advancement and Marketing Mission Statement The Mission of University Advancement & Marketing is to promote understanding and support of Ferris State University by all of the University’s constituencies and the public.

University Advancement and Marketing Vice President Advancement Marketing & Communications Alumni Relations, Annual Giving and Advancement Services

Advancement Reporting Units: ▪ Corporate & Foundation Relations ▪ Planned Giving ▪ College of Technology Fundraising ▪ FSUGR & Kendall Fundraising ▪ Athletic Fundraising ▪ Prospect Research Significant Areas of Success:  Increased FY04 cash gifts by 26%  Recorded FY05 cash gifts of $4,200,000  Inducted 52 new Donor Society members  Established 13 new scholarships  Completed successful College of Optometry Faculty Campaign  Initiated Performance-based major gift program  Realigned staff

Advancement Ongoing/Proposed Significant Activities:  Increase cash gifts ($4,500,000)  Identify 80 new Donor Society members  Establish and monitor performance expectations  Develop major and lead gift prospects  Focus on Corporate/Foundation relations  Continue to facilitate development opportunities for Optometry/Jim Crow

Alumni Relations, Annual Giving and Advancement Services Reporting Units: ▪ Alumni Relations & Annual Giving ▪ Applications Advancement ▪ Alumni Program ▪ Advancement Services ▪ Computer Support Technology ▪ Advancement Accounting Significant Areas of Success:  Conducted 32 Alumni and Advancement outreach events with 3,949 participants (2,169 first-time attendees)  Collaborated with other departments on 12 major campus events  Improved accuracy of Millennium database  Implemented endowment tracking to improve communications with donors  Improved “Make a Gift” online  Mailed Crimson and Gold to international alumni  Studied the potential development of Alumni Welcome Center

Alumni Relations, Annual Giving and Advancement Services Ongoing/Proposed Significant Activities:  Continue to improve our alumni contact; requires additional S&E support to continue progress  Enhance communication in Alumni Relations, Annual Giving, and Advancement Services  Conduct new/ongoing events  Continue to plan the construction of the Alumni Welcome Center  Enhance relationships with young alumni  Restructure Annual Giving cycle  Continue to update data in Millennium  Launch an On-line Endowment Scholarship System

Marketing and Communications Reporting units: ▪ Marketing Communications ▪ Graphic Design ▪ Editorial Services/Crimson & Gold ▪ Photographic Services ▪ News Services ▪ Web Content/Multi-Media Significant Areas of Success:  Reorganized Marketing and Communications area  Created unique search piece with Web card  Developed newsletter to parents  Collaborated with other units to improve marketing decisions  Launched successful Summer School marketing campaign  Streamlined navigation of the University Web site  Improved Web Calendar

Marketing and Communications Ongoing/Proposed Significant Activities:  Develop and implement messaging strategy  Create an integrated marketing model  Identify process for the annual review of communications  Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the Ferris Web site  Enhance News Services area  Determine the effectiveness of FYI

Vice President’s Office Significant Areas of Success:  Reorganized the Division  Worked with the Foundation  Identified quantifiable goals  Established Donor Society members Ongoing/Proposed Significant Activities:  Assist with messaging strategy  Continue to support reorganization effectiveness and make changes as required  Establish new Donor Society members