Columbia-Greene Community College The following presentation is a chronology of the College strategic planning process, plan and committee progress The chronology begins in
Columbia-Greene Community College Conceptual Framework for Strategic Planning Design Worksheet
IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION Timeframe Resource allocation Personnel 5 EVALUATION / EVALUATION /DIVERSIFICATION 6 MISSION & GOALS Assumptions Objectives and measurements Parameters need to be developed 1 DECISION-MAKING SYSTEMS How will timely decisions be made by those with the right knowledge and experience? 2 S T R A T E G Y S T R A T E G Y Forming the vital link between mission & goals and creating the strategic plan 3 Core Processes (define steps to do work) Phase 0: Preparation 2. Phase 1: Planning 3. Phase 2: Assessment 4. Phase 3: Implementation 5. Phase 4: Evaluation/Diversification Inputs to Planning Middle States External Environment Internal Environment Institutional Priorities Individual Initiatives STRUCTURE / COMMUNICATION PROCESS The right people working together with the right resources Board of Trustees President and Staff Planning Council A.P.T. * A.P.T. * Action Planning Team Guiding Principles 1.Encourage, recognize & support the commitment & innovation of faculty & staff 2.Create decision-making & planning process in which everyone feels listened to and involved 3.Make decision with data 4.Use effective meeting management strategies Strategic Planning Guide Key initiatives, goals and objectives INITIATIVE 1: GOAL: OBJECTIVES: (specific tasks) 1) -Action Plan – 2) -Action Plan – If “approved with revision” Approval Process Approval Process Action Plan submitted to Planning Council and to President 4 If approved, proceed Tabled Denied
Five Key Institutional Initiatives were revealed… 1. Enrollment Management (current case study) 2. Academic Programs 3. Professional Development 4. Technology 5. Facilities
Columbia-Greene Community College Strategic Planning: Exploring a Case Study Enrollment Management Spring 2003
CGCC Strategic Plan Enrollment Management Enrollment Management Retention Outreach Goals & Action Plans DATA
Outreach Goals & Action Plans Non-Traditional Student Committee Non-Traditional Student Committee
Goals & Action Plans Non-Traditional Student Committee Non-Traditional Student Committee * Action Planning Team Marketing * A.P.T. Marketing * A.P.T. Orientation A.P.T. Orientation A.P.T. Academic A.P.T. Academic A.P.T. Services A.P.T. Services A.P.T. Goals & Action Plans
S TRUCTURE / C OMMUNICATION PROCESS The right people working together with the right resources Board of Trustees President and Staff Planning Council A.P.T. * A.P.T. * Action Planning Team Goals & Action Plans Non-Traditional Student Committee Non-Traditional Student Committee Marketing * A.P.T. Marketing * A.P.T. Orientation A.P.T. Orientation A.P.T. Academic A.P.T. Academic A.P.T. Services A.P.T. Services A.P.T. Goals & Action Plans
Fall 2003 Strategic Planning on the Web
Academic Programs
Strategic Planning Update 4/17/06 Presented by Geralynn Demarest Quick review Quick review What’s new What’s new What’s ahead What’s ahead
Strategic Planning at Columbia- Greene Community College Chronology 2002 – 2003: 2002 – 2003: –conceptual framework depicting the planning process –Identification of five strategic planning areas (Enrollment Management, Technology, Academic Programs, Professional Development, Facilities) –Case Study: Enrollment Management - studying the planning process
Strategic Planning Chronology 2003 – 2004: 2003 – 2004: –A website was built to house the contents of the plan. –The planning committee began to work with others outside the committee and wrote the contents of the plan. The timeline of the plan is 2003 – –There are two sides of the website. The website for viewing is:
Strategic Planning Chronology 2004 – 2005: 2004 – 2005: –Linking the planning process with the annual budget process »Many department heads showed how budget requests linked to the College strategic plan »Including indicators in annual budget planning document. Example: asking for upgrading computers in a department would link to Technology of the CSP. (Technology renewal strategy to ensure that faculty and students are using up-to-date hardware and software).
New level introduced 05-06
Strategic Planning Chronology : : –Expanding the “linkages” to include institutional effectiveness and relationship to core indicators –How are we using intended outcomes/objectives and assessment criteria to make improvements? –Understanding Middle States Expectations
Understanding Middle States Expectations… Standard 7 – assessment of Institutional effectiveness – getting prepared to answer Standard 7 – assessment of Institutional effectiveness – getting prepared to answer 1.Defining clearly articulated institutional and unit-level goals 2.Implementing strategies to achieve those goals 3.Assessing achievement of those goals 4.Using the results of those assessments to improve programs and services and inform planning and resource allocation decisions
Notable challenges and opportunities Adding new dimensions to focus on department strategic plans Adding new dimensions to focus on department strategic plans Getting more people connected to the College strategic plan Getting more people connected to the College strategic plan Considerations in the strategic plan revision ( ) Considerations in the strategic plan revision ( ) Measuring planning results and impact that ties to the Institution Effectiveness Report (making the link) Measuring planning results and impact that ties to the Institution Effectiveness Report (making the link) Understanding the impact of Institutional cycles – Institutional Effectiveness cycle, planning and budget cycles Understanding the impact of Institutional cycles – Institutional Effectiveness cycle, planning and budget cycles
A look at departmental long-range planning Library & Media Services – a first attempt at the development of a long-range plan and the process. (7-page draft completed by March 2006.) Library & Media Services – a first attempt at the development of a long-range plan and the process. (7-page draft completed by March 2006.) Process through which the Library’s strategic goals were developed: Process through which the Library’s strategic goals were developed: Fall 2005: –Environmental Assessment - “Value” surveys were created in August 2005 to collect more information about what our patrons want and need regarding the library’s resources and services. (256 surveys gathered) –Results were entered into a database and charts were created to digest the results.
Departmental planning - Library Spring 2006: –All Library and Media staff spent a full morning developing strategic goals. A list of 6 strategic goals were developed. »Details of the goals were defined with objectives and action plans to achieve them. »The structure and elements of the College strategic plan were kept in mind. Links were made to show how the library’s goals tie to the college strategic plan.
Example of a department long-range plan: showing linkages to the College Goals and strategic plan See handout (next slide shows a snapshot of the handout) See handout (next slide shows a snapshot of the handout)
Capturing the College efforts and activities in the strategic plan revision The strategic plan should stay connected to the activities and initiatives that evolve The strategic plan should stay connected to the activities and initiatives that evolve “Academic Programs” change to “Academic Programs and Services” to capture the dept-level planning that will begin to develop “Academic Programs” change to “Academic Programs and Services” to capture the dept-level planning that will begin to develop Adding “Institutional Effectiveness” as a new theme to ensure linkages are in place and we use results to strengthen planning and decision making Adding “Institutional Effectiveness” as a new theme to ensure linkages are in place and we use results to strengthen planning and decision making
Contributions to the College Goals and of the College strategic plan We continue to improve the College strategic plan and process We continue to improve the College strategic plan and process Efforts are being made to align the strategic plan and the budget Efforts are being made to align the strategic plan and the budget Strengthened communication between the strategic planning committee and the middle states steering committee… it should be noted that the plan and the College goals are comparable and can be mapped into each other. An example of a unit-level plan (library) presented today shows that this mapping is also comparable at the unit-level (addressing MS standard 7). Strengthened communication between the strategic planning committee and the middle states steering committee… it should be noted that the plan and the College goals are comparable and can be mapped into each other. An example of a unit-level plan (library) presented today shows that this mapping is also comparable at the unit-level (addressing MS standard 7).
Two new themes were added to the strategic plan which will be part of the next phase of the plan (2008 – 2012). Two new themes were added to the strategic plan which will be part of the next phase of the plan (2008 – 2012). –1. Outcomes Assessment –2. Resource Development Unit-level planning and assessment will see guidelines from a new committee, Institutional Effectiveness Unit-level planning and assessment will see guidelines from a new committee, Institutional Effectiveness
2006 – 2007 continued Academic Programs and Services strategic planning area developed two new goals (4 and 5) to support the ASC, Library, & Community Services long-range planning efforts Academic Programs and Services strategic planning area developed two new goals (4 and 5) to support the ASC, Library, & Community Services long-range planning efforts May 2007, Resource Development ad-hoc group met and developed a vision statement and reviewed goals and objectives for this future strategic planning area May 2007, Resource Development ad-hoc group met and developed a vision statement and reviewed goals and objectives for this future strategic planning area Vision statements were reviewed and edited Vision statements were reviewed and edited Produced a 2008 – 2012 strategic planning booklet, delivered to campus, August 2007 Produced a 2008 – 2012 strategic planning booklet, delivered to campus, August 2007
Strategic planning booklet under review Strategic planning booklet under review Review of Professional Development strategic planning area Review of Professional Development strategic planning area Review of planning progress to prepare for next phase of the plan (2008 – 2012) Review of planning progress to prepare for next phase of the plan (2008 – 2012)
Created monitoring reports for all areas of the plan. The purpose is to communicate progress made towards the plan or lack of, including rationale. A schedule exists as to when monitoring reports are due in a given year. Created monitoring reports for all areas of the plan. The purpose is to communicate progress made towards the plan or lack of, including rationale. A schedule exists as to when monitoring reports are due in a given year. Progress made towards getting all department heads to tie budgets to strategic plan Progress made towards getting all department heads to tie budgets to strategic plan
The strategic plan is archived on the website The strategic plan is archived on the website Approval process is established as to the editing of the strategic plan on the website Approval process is established as to the editing of the strategic plan on the website Full year’s worth of monitoring reports for each of the strategic visions were completed and given to the President. The reports are created following a specific schedule. Full year’s worth of monitoring reports for each of the strategic visions were completed and given to the President. The reports are created following a specific schedule. November 2009: Strategic planning update delivered to the Board of Trustees. November 2009: Strategic planning update delivered to the Board of Trustees.