Third grade- Life Science By: Lee Ann Whitney Organisms and Their Habitats Third grade- Life Science By: Lee Ann Whitney
Table of Contents Let’s Investigate What do living things need to survive Activities Ecosystems Habitats Animal needs Specific habitats for animals Animal report Video clip Georgia Performance Standards
Let’s investigate What is an ecosystem? What is a habitat? What do animals need to live? Where do they get the things they need to live? How can you use observation to find out how an animal lives? Ecosystems
What do living things need to survive? Choose one living thing you observed and write down what in that environment or habitat gives the living thing what it needs to survive.
Activity You may work alone, in a pair or a group up to 4 students. We will be observing organisms in their habitat outside. When you get outside take your string and place it on the ground in circle.
Activity Living Nonliving Make a list of all the things you observe in your circle. Write the items in the correct place on the chart.
Graphs We will make a graph together of the living and nonliving things you found in the environment.
What we are investigating Let’s go back and see what we wanted to learn. Let’s Investigate
Ecosystems An ecosystem is the living and nonliving things in an environment that affect each other. Ecosystems include the interactions that occur among living things.
Habitat A habitat is the specific place where an organism lives. A habitat provides an organism with all its needs and includes nonliving and living things. There are many habitats in an ecosystem.
What do animals need shelter food water air
Animals need to live in their specific habitats Where am I? This is not my habitat. Why do I need to live in India and not Georgia?.
Why animals need to live in specific regions
Why are there no penguins in Georgia? Choose an animal that lives in a place other than Georgia. Do a report about that organism, its needs, its habitat, and why, based on its needs and features, it lives somewhere other than Georgia. For example, penguins do not live in Georgia except in zoos or animal parks. You would find out why an animal in not native to Georgia, what it needs to live, and its habitat.
Animal Report Click on report for printable version
Animals and Habitats
Georgia Performance Standards S3L1. Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat. S3CS1. Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works.
Georgia Performance Standards S3CS4. Students will use ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. S3CS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. S3CS8. Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry.