plastics By miss buicke
OC58 Identify everyday applications of plastics, and understand that crude oil products are the raw material for their production. OC59 Relate the properties of plastics to their use. OC60 Describe and discuss the impact of non- biodegradable plastics on the environment Syllabus
How is plastic made? Plastic is manufactured from crude oil. Crude oil is a thick black liquid, which is sourced from deep under the ground. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons.
The manufacture of plastics from crude oil involves two stages: 1.Simple hydrocarbons are separated from crude oil. They are known as monomers (mono means one). 1.These monomers react together and form long chains called polymers (poly means many). Polymers are used to make plastic.
Think of a monomer as a Jigsaw piece When monomers react together they from polymers
Plastics are all around us! In pairs discuss some common uses of plastics. Now again with your partner list five objects in the room which are made of plastic. Why are so many objects made of plastic?
Polythene: Polythene is used to make plastic bags, bottles, bins, chairs, glasses, lunch boxes. Polythene is strong, cheap and flexible
Plastics are used every where within the home
PVC PVC is used in pipes and gutters, window frames and doors. PVC is strong, long lasting and weather resistant.
Polystyrene Used in food containers (usually fast food) and yoghurt pots. Polystyrene is light weight.
Nylon: Nylon is used in the manufacture of tights, carpets and ropes Nylon is hard wearing and can be spun into fibers.
Summary on the properties of plastic Cheap to produce Durable Waterproof Light weight Can be molded into different shapes.
They can be dyed different colors They are good insulators of heat and electricity. Plastics are used as the Insulating material in saucepans for cooking.
Environmental impact on plastics Plastic does not break down easily. It is non biodegradable which means they cannot be broken down by living organisms, such as bacteria. This is a major disadvantage of plastics. Landfill sites are full of plastic that will not break down. Many plastics are a fire risk. when they burn poisonous fumes are created. In house fires, many deaths are caused by poisonous fumes and smoke produced as plastics burn.
Exam paper questions: 2012 OL most plastics are made from……………………… Most plastics are non-biodegradable what does this mean? 2011 OL Pollution by non-biodegradable plastics, produced from petroleum, has a significant damaging effect on the environment. Give two of these damaging effects. 1 _______________ 2 ________________ Explain the term non-biodegradable.
2009 HL Plastics are widely used to make bags, bottles, lunchboxes, crates etc. From which raw material are most plastics manufactured? _________________________ Plastics can be non-biodegradable i.e. they do not decompose. Give one reason why this affects the environment.